Twitter Tuesday…August 11, 2009

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009Last Tuesday’s inaugural foray into the Twitter world was so successful…The Hall is at it again! Don’t know what Twitter Tuesday is? Don’t waste Google’s time…click the link.

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009

To kick off the chatter this week…music, food (again) and Alyssa Milano’s ex-boyfriend.

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009CJNitkowski: Opposing reliever came out to Motley Crue’s “Looks That Kill” tonight. Would pay to watch him sing it….”She’s got the rooks that krill”

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009str8edgeracer: whoever says that they left their heart in san francisco never had to play in the oakland coliseum. (Check out CJ Wilson’s interview with The Hall of Very Good HERE)

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009chopper63: This was my sandwhich from town and country in SLC it was massive

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009GrillCheese49: True Fact: Ducks eat stale Cheese puffs. Next experiment: Do they like Coca Cola? Have fun and go green. Clean out old food and feed ducks

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009detroit_tigers: Twins’ trade for long-broken-down Carl Pavano shouldn’t worry Tigers

And 21 hours later…detroit_tigers: Tigers shut down by Carl Pavano in loss to Twins

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009

Friday afternoon, it appeared as though the New York Yankees (after sticking a knife in the heart of every Red Sox fan) dropped the guillotine blade on John Smoltz’s career…even The Hall got into the act. Immediately following his designation…Twitter was abuzz.

jvannus: John Smoltz being cut is another example of athletes grasping 4 a career that has left them! Please John, don’t be the next Brett Favre!

jfe1969: Tiger Woods says john smoltz is best non golfer he ever played. he is a true athlete, and always an atlanta brave!!!!!

keithmurphy13: Our VT hotel room is smaller than the Cubs trophy case, the shower has the speed of a John Smoltz fastball, but we’re on a mountain stream

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009

Need someone to follow? Check out my friends at joesportsfan.

Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009It’s pretty safe to say that as good as the tweets are that come from joesportsfan…nothing can compare to their website and podcast. From Softball Guy to their Worthless Card Collection, the boys from under the arch deliver.

Have someone you think everyone should follow? Perhaps you yourself have read some interesting tweets in the past week…drop me a line or leave a comment below.

See you next Tuesday!

BallHype: hype it up!
Twitter Tuesday...August 11, 2009

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