@6thSens Interviews: ‘Advanced Chats’ and ‘Battle of Ontario’

This past Friday, I was given the opportunity to come into the TSN 1200 studios to pre-record an episode of ‘Advanced Chats’ that ran on Saturday and Sunday.

If you missed it, Ian Mendes and I spent a considerable portion of the show: dissecting the reshuffling of the titles within the hockey ops department; breaking down Pierre Dorion’s viability as a general manager; Dorion’s decision to part ways with head coach Dave Cameron; and identifying head coaching candidates who could be great fits for the position.

To listen to the interview, you can stream the audio via the embedded media player below. You’re crazy if you think I’m transcribing the piece and adding my thoughts in bold however.

My weekend of interviews wasn’t over however, as I also appeared on the new ‘Battle of Ontario’ podcast that is hosted by Silver Seven Sens‘ Callum Fraser and Maple Leaf Hot Stove‘s Alec Brownscombe.

I believe the podcast will eventually become available via Itunes, but in the interim, fans can check this and previous episodes of the podcast out by visiting their SoundCloud page.

You can also stream it below.


[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/259394597″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
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