Baseball Responds to NCAA Upsets

Baseball Responds to NCAA Upsets
Even though Spring Training is in full swing and the regular season is just weeks away, it seems most Major Leaguers have one thing on their minds.
The NCAA tournament.
And, like most of us, a number of them took to the Twitters on Friday to sound off on the status of their brackets.
@FrankHerrmann56 (Frank Herrmann, Cleveland Indians)
If Mizzou loses this one at least I don’t have to watch another game. I had them winning it all in both brackets
@zach_duke (Zach Duke, Houston Astros)
With the Missouri loss to NorfolkState 0 perfect brackets remain in the Astros clubhouse
@BJUPTON2 (B. J. Upton, TampaBay Rays)
Congrats to NorfolkState- man I wanted to pick y’all and apologize for not having faith in the hometown team. Pops is a proud Spartan tday
@BenRevere9 (Ben Revere, Minnesota Twins)
Just got up from my nap and saw Missouri got upset I’m probably never doing a bracket again cause ever yr I donate money!!!!
@BrettAnderson49 (Brett Anderson, Oakland Athletics)
My bracket just got up and put itself in the trash can.
@JimmyRollins11 (Jimmy Rollins, Philadelphia Phillies)
Congrats to Leigh!!!! I have them in the pool. Yeaaaaaaah buddy!!!
@ballystar40 (Collin Balester, Detroit Tigers)
I don’t care what seed you are you need to watch out for a team who wears brown uniforms.
@TheJK_Kid (Jason Kipnis, Cleveland Indians)
Ps… Im sure that Missouri loss hurt a bunch of peoples brackets… Unless of course u had the Gators upsetting them next rd.. #yourstruly
@JohnAxford (John Axford, Milwaukee Brewers)
I don’t even like basketball…but all 5 of my brackets are now righteously effffffffed up!
@paul_maholm (Paul Maholm, Chicago Cubs)
Who else picked Ohio and Norfolk st to win in the first round. My bracket looks great. Haha.
@JustinVerlander (Justin Verlander, Detroit Tigers)
Good news… Get to give @max_scherzer a hard time about mizzou losing tomorrow. Bad news… My bracket is screwed!
So how is your bracket looking?  Mine?  Busted.

Baseball Responds to NCAA Upsets

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