Steve Bartman Documentary Set to Debut

Steve Bartman Documentary Set to Debut

Alright…just how good are the ESPN “30-for-30” documentaries?

Apparently good enough to appear at the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival.

It’s true…the film “Catching Hell” by Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney (he took home the prize in 2007 for “Taxi to the Dark Side”) is set to premier right alongside films featuring the likes of Orlando Bloom, Ryan Phillippe and Don Cheadle.

I mean, whoever thought that the world’s least favorite Chicago Cubs fan Steve Bartman would ending up sharing the bill with other documentary subjects, rocker Ozzy Osbourne and boxer Wladimir Klitschko?

According to a news release from the film festival, Gibney’s film “explores the psychology of die-hard sports fans, the frightening phenomenon of scapegoating, and the hysteria that turned mild-mannered Bartman into the most hated man in Chicago”.

The Tribeca Film Festical takes place from April 20-May 1 in lower Manhattan. No date has been announced yet for “Catching Hell”.

Oh, and in case you forgot just how crazy Chicago got after Bartman botched catching that foul ball during Game 6 of the 2003 National League Championship Series…check out the video of dude trying to leave Wrigley Field minutes later.

Steve Bartman Documentary Set to Debut

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