I’d love to welcome everyone to the “Playoff Edition” of Twitter Tuesday, but frankly…no one is talking Playoffs. The guys that are in aren’t saying anything. The guys that are out, well…you’ll see.
Still don’t know what Twitter Tuesday is? Don’t waste Google’s time…click the link.
Everyone except the Tigers and Twins have concluded their regular seasons. As I mentioned, for some…the Playoffs are on the horizon. For others…thoughts have turned to football.
And yes, Brewers reliever Seth McClung did send out his tweet during Monday Night Favreball.
73_MC (McClung): If you ever wanted to rob some store in WI right now is the best time in the last 17 years!!!!!!!!!!!!
APacBama (Adam Pavkovich): Man…my poor Tampa bay Bucs still looking for their first win. They can’t put it all together right now
Brum24 (Cliff Brumbaugh): early morning fur me today! This is not because of jet-lag but instead my mind knows… ITS READY FUR SUM FOOTBALL!!! Need to redeem in FF!
jonadkins96 (Jon Adkins): My Fantasy Football teams took it on the chin again this week. I think it’s time to start wheelin and dealin!
DPEP56 (Jeremy Johnson): wondering who to start this week? Pierre Thomas or Ronnie Brown, or Willis McGhaee??
When I sat down to hammer out Twitter Tuesday for this week, the Vikings-Packers matchup was, hands down, the frontrunner to headline The Buzz.
HOWEVER, when I re-read Brent Mayne’s Ted Williams tweet…I changed my tune. If you aren’t familiar with the latest Williams story…check it out HERE!
mjmckean: Ted Williams’ Head Reportedly Severed, Beaten With Monkey Wrench At Cryonics Facility And he still wouldn’t tip his hat to the fans!
alazenby: Ted Williams, a tuna can, a monkey wrench, and “tiny pieces of frozen head” That’s a journalistic quadfecta
MyPinstripes: How did a can of tuna get stuck to Ted Williams’ head?
hibernianhilble: prediction…Ted Williams head will be involved in NY fans halloween plans.
danmennella: Whose head is in better shape: Ted Williams or Miguel Cabrera?
Charlie_O: Goin’ to bed. Must be up early to go to curling w/ Ted Williams frozen head.
I’m going to make this one simple…and I’m going to be honest about it. A couple weeks back, I had no clue camdencrazies existed. Now, Daniel Moroz is one of the few tweets that, when I see a new one pop up…I actually read it, follow the link and re-tweet.
And no, you don’t have to be an Orioles fan to follow the guy. I’m sure it helps…but it isn’t a pre-requisite.
Have someone you think everyone should follow? Perhaps you yourself have read some interesting tweets in the past week…drop me a line or leave a comment below. See you next Tuesday!
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