A Dear Syvelle Letter….

Dear Syvelle,

I hate to hear about your current situation, I was really pulling for ya in the Canadian football league. Sad to see you quit the team {Montreal Alouettes} and now Will Proctor has taken your spot on the team. Welcome back to SC to coach that kids camp. Not sure who you listen to for advice on your career but here are my thoughts:

1. Go back to Canada and get paid to play football and build a resume to come back and play WR in the NFL or stay their and continue to play football for money. Sounds good to me.

2. Go out and join the “rat race” known as the real world and then when you are 40 you will look back and say to yourself…”If only I had played in Canada, I would have been set and now and I wouldn’t have to go to this crappy job.”

3. You could while at home, work out and hope (pray) to get a chance to be brought into NFL camp where you will fight for the 5th QB position and later moved to the practice squad if you are lucky where you will no doubt play WR and then eventually get cut and then you are faced with option 2 anyway.

I know you are leaning on going with option 3. Syvelle, trust me a WR in Canada beats the crap out of working at Sears. So go back up there and be a great WR – suck it up and do your best. We know you can be great so prove to everyone else and quit crying. Sorry for the dose of reality, but someone needs to tell you!

Best Wishes! Any thoughts on Syvelle and his situation?

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