This season, Matt Capps has 10 saves (earned his 10th tonight, in fact), which puts him firmly in the top half of American League closers this year. He only has one blown save, though if you ask most Twins fans, it seems, it was the 19th blown save. But it’s tough to hear a stat in a vacuum. Let’s compare Capps to someone that Twins fans have established as an awesome closers, Joe Nathan.
So far this year, as I said, Capps has 10 saves with one blown save. He also has an 0-3 record.
Nathan has 11 saves with one blown save. He has an 0-2 record.
I will lend you to your own conclusions, but I suspect they will be one of the following: “Hey, Matt Capps hasn’t been so bad this year!” or “You know, saves and pitching wins and losses don’t really tell us that much, do they”. This may not have been the way that I wanted to drive these points home, but I will take what I can get.
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