A Little Perspective

Well, in case you were out of the country, missed the game, or got trashed and forgot everything about last night, here is the game summary in a nutshell (yes, I am a mixed metaphor machine):

A Little PerspectiveYep, we laid one big, fat, stinking egg.

In short, the coaches got outcoached, the players got outplayed, and bloggers throughout Arizona out-blogged and out-predicted the not-so-venerable Brinkhater.

But, after getting over my own hangover and paultry 36-2 record, I came to this startling realization:


A year ago, I provided you all with a post that read “As Good As It Gets.” In that post, I reminded all Cougar fans that last year’s Cinderella ride could be the best that we would ever do.

And I may have been right.

But, what this year has proved, or should have proved, to all of us is that the boys that are currently dawning Crimson and Grey each week are simply spectacular student athletes. In short, it is difficult to think of a better, big-time program that does more things the right way, for the right reasons, and with the right results.

In other words, for better or for worse, as we head down the last three games of the regular season, it really is high time for us to laud these guys and what they’ve done for our beloved university and the sense of pride that we all have for it.

I for one am going to enjoy the rest of this ride.

My keys for Thursday’s win at Berkeley will be up later in the week.

And while I know anonymous the Troll is coming shortly, you can bank on that win on Thursday.

As for Saturday…

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