A major milestone achieved: One million page views

As the founder of this website, it’s my honor and my pleasure to announce that The Buckeye Battle Cry has just reached an amazing goal.

While most of Buckeye Nation slept last night, we reached 1,000,000 views on this website.

Frankly, I’m still in awe. Never did I imagine that my site would attract a visitor one million times (and for the record, the stats counter does not count administrators in their totals, so the writers of this site probably push the total way past that mark). But yet, here we are. One freaking million.A major milestone achieved: One million page

I want to take credit for it, but I simply cannot.

The thank-yous are enormous to everybody involved with this site, be it from the first days to yesterday. From the advice I got at the ground floor to the early promotion, to the sites that share the game-day chats with us, to every single reader I have ever seen here. None of it is possible without you.

But one look at the stats sheet for the site tells you all you need to know about who is responsible for this milestone……

The site was grabbing a few readers a day when it began, and slow and steady progress got that up to 100-200 readers per day when I brought it from Blogger over to WordPress more than two years ago. But the boom or readers occurred after our first writer expansion. When Eric, Jim and MaliBuckeye took shelter here, the boom was enormous. The monthly numbers jumped from 3-4 thousand to 18-24 thousand per month almost immediately. And I know it was their work that made the difference, because it was June. Had the surge happened in September, it would have been a football-related jump. there’s no denying who is responsible for it here.

Another surge came when the staff expanded even further. I left for FOX Sports Ohio in June, and the gang I left in charge expanded even further. So did their focus, and the readership. These guys have a bigger vision for tBBC than I ever could. It shows.

Let me give you the perfect example of what these guys have done – In the entire month of February of 2009, this site saw 2,900 readers. On February 2nd alone last week, we had over 6,000 readers.

Yes, we’ve arrived.

In fact, since I left the site seven months ago, the site has seen just under 450,000 total readers. I wonder if we got popular because I left????

Thanks for being a part of this, Buckeye fans. My glass is raised to you today!

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