A Review of Deadspin’s GSTF Book Tour: Part 2

A Review of Deadspin's GSTF Book Tour: Part 2
R.I.P. John Rocker.

No…not the guy (although there are probably a few minorities and some queers with AIDS who just had a mini-fit after reading that. And now that I’ve written “queers with AIDS,” I can expect a rather different crowd of Googlers).

Last night was the final stop on Deadspin’s GSTF Book Tour, taking place in Brooklyn at BookCourt, a small, independent book store. And not “cozy” small. Like…nearly-sitting-on-the-dude-next-to-me’s-lap-small.

Since I decided to give you a rundown of New York reading #1 yesterday, I figured I’d at least let you know about New York reading #2 (I hope people don’t Google “reading #2” often. My traffic is about to increase on an unhealthy level).

Anyway, since it was the final stop on the tour, Will was probably burnt out as all hell. I mean, I’d be if i was in ‘Zona, L.A., Alameda, Seattle, Illinois, Missouri, Philly, Boston and New York in only a few weeks. No joke, the farthest west/south I’ve ever been is somewhere in Tennessee (I was young…I don’t remember where exactly).

Back to Rocker. He hasn’t left us…only the John Rocker interview that Will has been acting out (with volunteers, nonetheless) during his book tour. With a possible second leg of the tour hitting Atlanta in the summer, John and his girlfriend expressed interest in making an appearance…which would not play out well for the author OR his emo bangs. It is wise to approach THAT audience with a much different selection from the book.

So it is with great sadness that I can relay that I witnessed the final reading of the John Rocker interview. It will be missed.

I went not to get my book signed (already happened), but merely to say thanks…in person…for yesterday’s link to my recap. I mean, how often do you get to chat it up face to face with a bigger blogger who linked to you earlier in the day. I’d shoot an email…but that is just a bit informal.

The Q&A at the end of the reading was much longer than Monday’s offering, mainly because there were no Barnes and Noble Soup Nazis keeping time. The setting was as relaxed as the tour itself.

To those of you I was able to meet at the past two stops on the tour…Cheers! Blogging nerds/readers of the world were able to unite ( for a minute, at least). If you have yet to read GSTF, I suggest you do so immediately. Because I said so…what more do you need?

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