A-Rod Denies He’s a Juicer

A-Rod Denies He's a JuicerJose Canseco has called the Mitchell Report “laughable” because Alex Rodriguez was not mentioned in it. So far Canseco seems like the only honest person in the game. His book Juiced is a lot more accurate than people gave him credit for. (Dan Duquette and Jose Canseco credible…who would have thought?) A-Rod will appear on 60 Minutes in an interview with Katie Couric where he says he is clean and the reason he is not in the Mitchell Report is because he has never used steroids. The 60 Minutes interview airs this Saturday and you can view a preview here. Before you take A-Rod’s word remember he cheated on his wife with a stripper, he tried to slap the ball out of Bronson’s hand during the ALCS and he yelled “mine” to interfere with a play in Toronto. I never thought I would say this but I am going to believe Canseco.

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