A very important (not really) LA Angels Winter Meetings update

A very important (not really) LA Angels Winter Meetings updateThe final day of the Winter Meetings are upon us and with that comes this VERY IMPORTANT update on the Angels…

…the Angels have (drum roll, please) not done a damn thing.

Yep, nothing.  Not one move.  They haven't signed Greinke or any other starting pitcher.  They haven't even brought in a semi-anonymous middle reliever to fill out the bullpen.  They've done zero.  Zip.  Zilch.   Nada.

Actually, that's not fair.  It isn't as if Jerry Dipoto has been sitting around his room at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel watching pay-per-view skin flicks.  The Halos have definitely had their name bandied about quite a bit in the rumor mill, so he must be doing something, it just hasn't resulted in any actual moves.

By my count, the Angels have been linked to 11 of the 39 free agent starting pitchers currently listed on MLB Trade Rumors.  So, yay for rumors!  Yay for the Angels having a list!  Yay for having a Plan B!

But boo for the lack of tangible results.  The thing with those 11 starting pitchers that they've been tied to as well as the countless relievers that they have been associated with is that by all accounts, they haven't actually spoken to most of them.  Take today's news about them increasing their interest in Brandon McCarthy.  That's great news, right?  Well, maybe not so much because that interest didn't stem from any meetings with him or his agent.  My guess is that Jon Heyman peaked over Dipoto's shoulder in the lobby and saw that Jerry had McCarthy's player page at Baseball-Reference and Fangraphs open on his laptop browser.  Oooh!  Intrigue!

Looks, I'm not naive.  I fully realize that Zack Greinke is the one gumming up the works here.  The Winter Meetings are well over 48 hours old, the self-assigned deadline Greinke's agent gave for Zack picking a team and all of his suitors really have no choice but to sit back and wait for him to pick his new team before they can go out and actually put their contingency plans into action.

It makes sense and I am fully on board with it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.  So, you know, hurry up and do something, Angels.  It doesn't have to be big or flashy, just get it done to slake my, and presumably thousands of other Angels fans', thirst for some kind of real roster-altering news.

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