Aaron Rodgers Visits Brewers Camp

Braun and RRR
(Photo: Morry Gash/AP)
The first couple weeks of camp, before games start, are usually a pretty boring time. Occasionally though, something unexpected will come up, and we’ll get something decent to read and write about besides the usual “Pitcher X is working on a cutter.” That happened today, with Packer quarterback/Discount Doublechecker/well-liked dude Aaron Rodgers paying a visit to the Brewers’ camp in Maryvale. Rodgers was in camp to film a couple commercials for the Brewers, apparently involving Ryan Braun and Aramis Ramirez.

According to Twitter, Rodgers spent time out on the field watching Mark Rogers throw BP (probably an exciting experience) and some pitcher’s fielding drills (less exciting). The Brewers managed to keep Rodgers’ appearance a secret until he showed up (it was known that a “special guest” would be in camp today), so there aren’t a lot of pictures or videos out yet, but some people with the team were able to snap some shots: John and Cait of MLBlogs were able to get a photo of Rodgers and Ryan Braun, and Adam McCalvy tweeted this picture of Rodgers, Braun, and instructor Robin Yount. That’s 3 MVPs, also known as a Discount Triple-Check.

This didn’t really have that much to do with baseball, and isn’t really relevant to the fortunes of the Brewers now or in the future, but it served as a very nice distraction. The Brewers got a little more attention during a usually boring time, and the presence of one of Ryan Braun’s famous friends gave us all something to talk and write about besides Braun’s urine sample. In my mind, that’s more than enough for it to be worth the trouble.   

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