‘AEW Dynamite’ (3/17/21) Results And Review: First Ever Women’s Main Event, Name Of MJF’s New Stable Revealed, And More

AEW Dynamite

AEW Dynamite took place at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville Florida. This was the St. Patrick’s Day Slam special which featured a tag team match involving Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston taking on Impact Wrestling’s The Good Brothers. Plus, Cody Rhodes took on Penta El Zero Miedo after their brawl last week and the women main event Dynamite for the first time ever as Thunder Rosa went up against Dr. Britt Baker in a Lights Out Non Sanctioned Match.

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They showed footage of MJF, FTR, Wardlow, Shawn Spears and Tully Blanchard getting off a plane from earlier in the day and into a limo.

A video promo was shown by Penta as he came out for his match against Cody saying he will break his arm and have him go on early paternity leave.

Cody Rhodes Defeated Penta El Zero Miedo

Penta attacked Cody after the match. Arn, The Gunn Club and Dustin Rhodes came out for the save. Penta escaped the ring. The Nightmare Family check on Cody and help him up. Penta taunts at them and leaves. QT Marshall showed up, checking on Cody. They yell at QT for not showing up on time.


Alex Marvez interviewed The Young Bucks about Fenix and Pac. They tell them they are the best tag team in pro wrestling. Don Callis interrupted giving Don a t shirt for their dad. He said he wanted them to kick him because he wanted to see the old Young Bucks again. He says the Bucks killed their own careers. The Young Bucks asks why he is here. Don says Omega is a god and the Bucks aren’t elite anymore. He asks them if they are the same Young Bucks that he saw in Japan and to look in the mirror.

Jade Cargill Defeated Dani Jordyn

Jade taunted at Red Velvet who was front row. Red Velvet tried to get her but the ref separated them.


MJF, FTR, Tully Blanchard, Shawn Spears and Wardlow came out to the ring. Tully talks about the damage they did to the Inner Circle last week. Tully claims they are the baddest group in AEW now. He talks about 30 years ago being a part of The Four Horseman and he continues to be a part of the greatest group of guys. MJF says it wasn’t easy to pretend to like Jericho. He said it was all worth it and he plucked Jericho feather by feather. He says his goal since day one was to end the Inner Circle and build a group even stronger. He calls Tully the greatest mind in the history of pro wrestling. He hypes up each individual in the group. He says when his career is all set and done, he will be the greatest of all time instead of Jericho. He said the group will be the back bone of AEW for years to come. He calls his group The Pinnacle. He said they want Jericho’s locker room. He tells Jericho that he is better than him and he knows it.

A video promo from Matt Hardy showed as his team made his way to the ring that he is building an empire with his brand with Private Party and Butcher and Blade.

Matt Hardy, Private Party, Butcher and Blade Defeated Jurassic Express and Bear Country

Bear Country and Jurassic Express argue outside the ring.

Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley talk backstage. Moxley said he is not in a good mood and should be in a hot tub but he’s going to war again after all the damage that Omega’s camp did to him. Moxley says The Good Brothers are cheap shot artists. They make fun of them calling Gallows googly eyes. Eddie says AEW is their home and The Good Brothers have done nothing. He calls them cowards and they call themselves soldiers.

Dasha interviewed Christian Cage backstage asking what he is doing in AEW. He says he makes wrestlers level but is not a work horse. He says there is only one spot that interests him and that’s the World Title spot. He say Omega interrupted his interview spot last week and had to take it upon himself. He said he is here to cement his legacy to out work everyone. He tells Omega that he is on borrowed time as champion.

The Good Brothers attacked Eddie Kingston on the stage as he came out. Moxley came to Eddie’s aid and the two teams brawl around ringside. The Good Brothers beat them down and nailed Moxley with the Magic Killer on the outside. They throw Eddie in the ring and the match began.


Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston Defeated The Good Brothers

The Good Brothers attacked Moxley and Kingston after the match. Kenny Omega came out with a chair along with Don Callis. Kenny sat a chair down as he went up to Moxley’s face while Anderson held Moxley. Eddie shoved Omega out of the chair but The Good Brothers finished Eddie off with the Magic Killer. They wedged a chair on Eddie’s leg and stomped it onto the leg. They wedge a chair around Moxley’s neck and was about to stomp on it until The Young Bucks stopped them. They argue with them in the ring. Omega and The Good Brothers try to get them to Too Sweet them but the Bucks walk away from them. Omega argues with them until Moxley got up to swing the chair at Omega’s camp. Omega’s camp escaped out of the ring.

Tony Schiavone was on the stage talking about the Street Fight from Revolution and Darby’s TNT title defense last week. He brings Sting and Darby Allin out to the stage. Tony asks Darby about Scorpio Sky and he talks about only defending the title 3 times. He said he wants to be a defending champion night in and night out. He challenges Dark Order but then Lance Archer interrupted. He says it should be his time all the time. Lance says Darby is a joke and he’ll put him in a coffin since he likes those so much. Jake Roberts calls him a wiener. Jake warns Sting that he shouldn’t play with fire and things are about to change with Lance Archer coming at them. Taz came out with his crew, telling everyone to relax. Brian Cage says Sting sticks his nose in their business. He says he respects Sting after the Street Fight and he is still the icon. Team Taz yell at Cage for the compliments. Cage leaves. Everyone else leaves afterwards.


A video showed Scorpio Sky saying AEW doesn’t want him to be the face of AEW. He says last week was supposed to be another moment for Darby. He says if he has to hurt people to make a name for himself in AEW, so be it.

Rey Fenix Defeated Angelico


They showed Miro working out from earlier today. Alex Marvez came in to inform him of the rematch Chuck Taylor challenged him. Miro said he is over Chuck and he doesn’t want anything to do with them anymore. Kip Sabian came in and said he is not over it after what happened with Penelope Ford in their match at Revolution. Miro said he is not not letting what happened to Ford get in the way of his journey to become AEW Champion. Kip says he won’t stop that for Miro. Miro tells him outside the ring they are still friends. They hug and Miro walks off. Alex asked if they accept the challenge and Kip says of course they accept.

Alex Marvez asked The Dark Order who will challenge Darby Allin for the title. -1 said it will be him but they said in 10 years he will. They choose John Silver to challenge Darby and he accepts.

MJF and The Pinnacle replace the Inner Circle logo on the locker room to The Pinnacle’s locker room. They enter the locker room as MJF claims it as theirs now.

Thunder Rosa Defeated Dr. Britt Baker In A Lights Out Non Sanctioned Match

The show went off with Rosa celebrating her win and Britt left in a bloody heap.

Overall Review: This was an okay show but I think compared to last week, it didn’t too much for me throughout the majority of the show except for the main event. The opening match was good but the finish of it was kind of a let down. Cody just rolling up Penta for the win after Penta snapped his arm was disappointing. Penta snapped his arm, Cody should be really selling it to the point that he can’t do much. Jade Cargill had a pretty impressive showing but she’ll continue to get better for sure. The best parts of the show was MJF’s promo with Tully’s group and introducing The Pinnacle as the new dominant stable. MJF continues to kill it on the mic. I also think this should’ve been the opening to the show. Mix it up and have a promo segment like this especially since they could’ve immediately followed up by that ending to last weeks show. The tag match with Eddie and Moxley defeating The Good Brothers was what it was and the whole thing with The Young Bucks getting involved in the end is going to be interesting to see where it goes. The Christian Cage promo was pretty good too and since it looks like he’ll be there full time. We’ll see where he fits in to the main event scene since it looks like that is where he will be in. The whole thing with Lance Archer interrupting Sting again and Darby as he was cutting his promo still just doesn’t make any sense why he suddenly turned heel when he was getting a lot of steam as a babyface. What was even more eye rolling was Team Taz coming out and then Cage saying he respects Sting and teasing a whole split with Team Taz. I have no idea where it is going but I’m not big on it. Also it’s another segment where Sting is not talking and not doing much which is another waste of a Sting appearance. They don’t need to keep having Sting appear to do these interviews with Tony every week. It’s starting to get old. The match with Rey Fenix and Angelico was cool since it gave me Lucha Underground flashbacks. It’s just a different animal here and I don’t think it should’ve taken up as much time with a picture in picture break. The whole thing with Miro at first looked like it was going great as Miro was about to derail the whole rivalry with Best Friends but thanks to Kip that’s going to happen (just kidding). I really hope that their match with each other is the last. The main event with Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa though was worth the wait despite all of what happened in the show. These two women absolutely destroyed each other like I never would’ve imagined they would. Some of the spots seemed to have been executed a little awkward but for the most part both of them really showed the intensity of their rivalry and the amount of punishment they were willing to take really made me more of a fan of theirs. Thunder Rosa getting the win it looks like this might put her line against Shida which no doubt will be as good as the last time they faced.

Grade: 6/10



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