Ainge: We’re listening to offers about everybody

(09/28/2012 - Waltham, MA) Danny Ainge speaks to the media at the Celtics media day at HealthPoint in Waltham Friday afternoon. (092812celtstbc - Photo by Tara Carvalho.)

make a dealWe’re less than two hours away from the trade deadline and the biggest names to move today are Spencer Hawes, Gary Neal and Roger Mason, Jr.

Danny Ainge reiterated his objectives during an interview this morning on 98.5:

“I think that we don’t have one [mission],” Ainge said. “We have a few different directions we could go, so no, we don’t. We’re trying to be opportunistic and get value for players that might be available. Get flexibility, get more assets, get trade exceptions, there’s just all sort of directions that we can go at the end of the day.”

Whether it’s Brandon Bass, Jeff Green, Kris Humphries, Rajon Rondo – the list goes on – names have been tossed around. The fact that Ainge has already made two trades this season adds to that. But he insists they aren’t taking part in a fire sale today.

“So we have nothing going right now,” Ainge said. “Unless something at the deadline – somebody meets our demands or we change our views and meet someone else’s demands then something can always get done. But typically everyone is posturing all the way up to the very last minute before they cave on some of the deals, so you just never know. We’re not panicking. We don’t feel pressured to have to do something right now. We’re only going to do deals that we think are good deals.”

Nothing new here. Ainge has been stating this for months, if not years.

We don’t like to brag but…

If only some of Mut’s colleagues would read us, too. Maybe they wouldn’t embarrass themselves when talking NBA.

Cough, Dennis and Callahan, cough, cough.

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