Airport Renames Gate After David Ortiz


Prepare yourself for the understatement of understatements.


Boston sure does love them some David Ortiz.

It’s true. As if the season-long lovefest, parting gifts and the promise of having his number retired wasn’t enough, dude is now getting his own piece of Boston’s Logan Airport.

During a private party Friday night, JetBlue Airlines announced that they will be naming one of their gates (Gate 34, naturally) after Ortiz. And suffice it to say, Big Papi was excited.

“You mean I’m going to have my own gate at the airport?” Ortiz responded. “You’re (messing) with me, aren’t you?”

Last month, the city honored Ortiz with his own street near Fenway Park and a bridge.

I guess he’s right…this might just be his “fucking city”. Can you even imagine if he would’ve helped bring a fourth championship to BeanTown?

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