AL East Swing

As April closes and we gear up for the Yankee series in the Bronx (with some very, very angry Yankee fans who all try to tell each other not to press the panic button and yet still are very, very, very angry) while coming off the sweep that the Yankees suffered in Fenway Park, there’s a lot going on in Red Sox land lately … and it’s still only April! We’ve got five more months to go (and a lot more to win and lose).
I know that the Yankees series was two full days ago, but I haven’t had a chance to put my thoughts on paper about the series, plus I’d rather not talk about the two-game sweep we just suffered at the hands of the accursed Blue Jays, who are the Red Sox’s kryptonite.
The Red Sox are at full strength, the Yankees are not. I refuse to get too excited about the sweep, because I always remember the Red Sox doing well in April against the Yankees, then getting bombed by the Yankees later in the year. I attended Monday night’s game with the Blue Jays in town (Wakefield and Ohka) and I picked up a copy of the Metro GameDay, and there were the numbers: “Entering last night

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