Many years later, I find myself living in Giants country. I still don’t follow them as closely as I do the Sox, but I always hoped that they win it all in the World Series, and that has finally come to pass. I read many Red Sox posts from major media outlets to small blogs. Following the Sox hard and writing for Fenway West leaves little time to follow the Giants anywhere near as much as the Sox. I try and watch every Sox @ A’s game each year. (I root for the A’s unless they are playing the Sox.) Finances such as they are, I am lucky to get to 1 Sox @ A’s game each year, and consider myself extra lucky to have been able to get into a Sox @ Giants game this past season. Finances again limit my cable TV service to the bare bones basic package, limiting my chances of watching Giants games on the tube. (I’m not much of a bar person anymore, unless I’m up on the stage playin’.) I was able to watch most of the Giants run to their 1st World Series championship since 1954, and their 1st ever as the San Francisco Giants. I have almost as much Giants schwag as I do Red Sox, thanks to the Goodwill store.
So I ask our readers, am I a Giants ‘pink hat’ fan?
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