An interesting trend

College football must be getting near. There are several ways you can determine the near-arrival of America’s Greatest Sport.

-The calendar says “August”
-Pre-season polls are almost all completed and published
-Tommy Tuberville finds the keys to his waaahmbulance
-Traffic on Big Ten Bloggers sites begin to spike
-Michigan fans start to attack my YouTube videos en masse.

I want to focus on that last one because…well, it’s easy to make fun of Michigan fans when their noses are knocked out of joint. And trust me, those noses get whacked hard when any of them see the video for “Chad Henne Is A Joke“.

It’s also relatively easy to tell what argument Michigan fans are going to use when they post a response on my YouTube vids. They go with one of two hissy-fits.

Hissy fit #1 – “Fuck you, Chad Henne will be starting for the Dolphins on Day One. What’s Troy Smith doing, getting water for the team?”

Well, actually, Smith is projected to start for the Ravens, but with a new coach in Baltimore, all three QBs are going to get plenty of looks in the pre-season (Kyle Boller, Smith, and John Flacco, whose college team wore the ugliest helmet ever). But if you really want to know what Troy Smith is doing, just ask him. He’ll tell you after he takes off his four pairs of gold pants, his four Big Ten Championship rings, and his National Championship ring (yes, he was on the team in 2002 and got a ring)

As for Henne, he might start for the worst team in the NFL, but the fact is that he started for one of the better NCAA teams and still went 0-4 against his biggest rival. That’s something he will never be able to change.

Hissy fit #2 – “Oh yeah, well Michigan holds the all-time lead 57-41-6. Who owns who now?

Listen, from my experience, Michigan fans are the first ones that will tell you of their early National Championships and the head-to-head totals between UM and OSU.

What they kindly forget is the time period in which most of those wins took place, especially the one where “back in 19-ott-eight, Phineaus Q. Rosenblatt ran for over 80 lengths in a match against the scallywags of Wesleyan College, giving them their second relegation of the Midwestern Football Amalgamation. He had the ladies blushing in their bloomers, he did.”

Most football historians will tell you that the sport took a great evolution around the mid-thirties and became the sport you know today. Major changes took place in that era, and most of them still exist today. Pop Warner threw the first forward pass in 1933, and by the next season, the entire league quickly adapted to it. College football was now more of an official nationwide sport, and it’s rebirth was complete. This is when the sport you know today took shape.

Also, this was around the time frame that Ivy League schools stopped winning the NC every other year, and balance began to form amongst the great teams.

So let’s look at the records from 1934-2008, shall we?


1934 Michigan 0 Ohio State 34 Columbus
1935 Michigan 0 Ohio State 38 Ann Arbor
1936 Michigan 0 Ohio State 21 Columbus
1937 Michigan 0 Ohio State 21 Ann Arbor
1938 Michigan 18 Ohio State 0 Columbus
1939 Michigan 21 Ohio State 0 Ann Arbor
1940 Michigan 40 Ohio State 0 Columbus

Ohio State 4, Michigan 3


1941 Michigan 20 Ohio State 20 Ann Arbor
1942 Michigan 7 Ohio State 21 Columbus
1943 Michigan 45 Ohio State 7 Ann Arbor
1944 Michigan 14 Ohio State 18 Columbus
1945 Michigan 7 Ohio State 3 Ann Arbor
1946 Michigan 58 Ohio State 6 Columbus
1947 Michigan 21 Ohio State 0 Ann Arbor
1948 Michigan 13 Ohio State 3 Columbus
1949 Michigan 7 Ohio State 7 Ann Arbor
1950 Michigan 9 Ohio State 3 Columbus

Michigan 6, Ohio State 2, ties 2
Total – Michigan 9, Ohio State 6, 2 ties


951 Michigan 7 Ohio State 0 Ann Arbor
1952 Michigan 7 Ohio State 27 Columbus
1953 Michigan 20 Ohio State 0 Ann Arbor
1954 Michigan 7 Ohio State 21 Columbus
1955 Michigan 0 Ohio State 17 Ann Arbor
1956 Michigan 19 Ohio State 0 Columbus
1957 Michigan 14 Ohio State 31 Ann Arbor
1958 Michigan 14 Ohio State 20 Columbus
1959 Michigan 23 Ohio State 14 Ann Arbor
1960 Michigan 0 Ohio State 7 Columbus

Ohio State 6, Michigan 4
Total – Michigan 13, Ohio State 12, 2 ties


1961 Michigan 20 Ohio State 50 Ann Arbor
1962 Michigan 0 Ohio State 28 Columbus
1963 Michigan 10 Ohio State 14 Ann Arbor
1964 Michigan 10 Ohio State 0 Columbus
1965 Michigan 7 Ohio State 9 Ann Arbor
1966 Michigan 17 Ohio State 3 Columbus
1967 Michigan 14 Ohio State 24 Ann Arbor
1968 Michigan 14 Ohio State 50 Columbus
1969 Michigan 24 Ohio State 12 Ann Arbor
1970 Michigan 9 Ohio State 20 Columbus

Ohio State 7, Michigan 3
Total – Ohio State 19, Michigan 16, 2 ties


1971 Michigan 10 Ohio State 7 Ann Arbor
1972 Michigan 11 Ohio State 14 Columbus
1973 Michigan 10 Ohio State 10 Ann Arbor
1974 Michigan 10 Ohio State 12 Columbus
1975 Michigan 14 Ohio State 21 Ann Arbor
1976 Michigan 22 Ohio State 0 Columbus
1977 Michigan 14 Ohio State 6 Ann Arbor
1978 Michigan 14 Ohio State 3 Columbus
1979 Michigan 15 Ohio State 18 Ann Arbor
1980 Michigan 9 Ohio State 3 Columbus

Michigan 5, Ohio State 4, 1 tie
Total – Ohio State 23, Michigan 21, 3 ties


1981 Michigan 9 Ohio State 14 Ann Arbor
1982 Michigan 14 Ohio State 24 Columbus
1983 Michigan 24 Ohio State 21 Ann Arbor
1984 Michigan 6 Ohio State 21 Columbus
1985 Michigan 27 Ohio State 17 Ann Arbor
1986 Michigan 26 Ohio State 24 Columbus
1987 Michigan 20 Ohio State 23 Ann Arbor
1988 Michigan 34 Ohio State 31 Columbus
1989 Michigan 28 Ohio State 18 Ann Arbor
1990 Michigan 16 Ohio State 13 Columbus

Michigan 6, Ohio State 4
Total – Michigan 27, Ohio State 27, 3 ties


1991 Michigan 31 Ohio State 3 Ann Arbor
1992 Michigan 13 Ohio State 13 Columbus
1993 Michigan 28 Ohio State 0 Ann Arbor
1994 Michigan 6 Ohio State 22 Columbus
1995 Michigan 31 Ohio State 23 Ann Arbor
1996 Michigan 13 Ohio State 9 Columbus
1997 Michigan 20 Ohio State 14 Ann Arbor
1998 Michigan 16 Ohio State 31 Columbus
1999 Michigan 24 Ohio State 17 Ann Arbor
2000 Michigan 38 Ohio State 26 Columbus

Michigan 7, Ohio State 2, 1 tie
Total – Michigan 34, Ohio State 29, 4 ties


2001 Michigan 20 Ohio State 26 Ann Arbor
2002 Michigan 9 Ohio State 14 Columbus
2003 Michigan 35 Ohio State 21 Ann Arbor
2004 Michigan 21 Ohio State 37 Columbus
2005 Michigan 21 Ohio State 25 Ann Arbor
2006 Michigan 39 Ohio State 42 Columbus
2007 Michigan 3 Ohio State 14 Ann Arbor

Ohio State 6, Michigan 1
Total – Ohio State 35, Michigan 35, 4 ties.

Average score of those games – Michigan 16.4, Ohio State 16.0

The point is, once this sport actually became football as we know it, thes
e two teams have been as even as it can get. Your little domination when nobody really knew how to play the game only exists in your ego. Get over it.

Michigan doesn’t own Ohio State, Ohio State doesn’t own Michigan.

But Jim Tressel? He’s 6-1 against you. Bow down, bitches.

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