Brett Favre, You are the Barbaro of quarterbacks So please break a leg Tarvaris Jackson If we could understand you You’d fair much better
John David Booty Is he man or is he myth? Or is he just stoned? With a bethorned head And a heart full of anger Purple Jesus scores
Brad Childress likes to Tricks reporters by wearing Peter Kings back hair With mullet in tow Jen makes quick work Of your moms panties A father, player And humanitarian He’s Darrion Scott Two thirds of earth is Covered by water, the rest … In the endzone. Shit!
Two girls and one cup Can’t hold a candle to our Two sided dildo Did Sage Rosenfels Make a bad career choice by Skipping pilot school? Percy Harvin is Grateful to play with PJ And, uh, the QB When Favre signs with Vikes Packer fan tears will be shed; Cancer will be cured.
Dear Mister Jackson, We regret to inform you You suck at QB. Blowing a huge horn Purple paint with gold details Totally not gay
If you’re wondering I do have a penis name I called it Shiancoe Here’s a note to self; Protect your neck when you hunt With Jen You’re not a Vikes fan? Your sins won’t be forgiven Signed, Purple Jesus
A choice of nailing A Pack fan or a dead goat You choose goat each time Don’t worry Bears fans, Even when your team sucks balls, You’ll still have the Cubs!
It takes great effort, Heart, and determination, To lose sixteen games. Much thanks to the late Ravishing Rick Haiku for the inspiration. And please, start writing again …
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