It’s been a busy week here at tBBC… heck, who are we kidding? It’s been a busy month, and it looks like it’s going to be that way for a while.
Which is fantastic, ’cause that’s the way we like it. Huge thanks to those who have joined our little barbecue (except that one guy who keeps double dipping in the guacamole), especially those who’ve taken time out to get involved in the conversation. Buckeye Nation is better when we all play together- even if we don’t always agree.

That being said, I’d be remiss if I didn’t give just a quick “thank you” to the folks who help us keep the hamster on the wheel and the frozen burritos in the fridge. We’ve got several great partners, but I want to point out two in particular:
Fresh Brewed Tees is one of the hottest companies going, especially with their WINdians gear and the Joe Haden collection. What’s not to like about an organization that gives back to the community the way that they do? I know they’re working on some special Ohio State gear; we’ll be doing some giveaways as the summer goes on. But in the meantime, be sure to check out the way they feel about you, and rep your Buckeye Pride. It’s probably even more important to sport the colors these days.
Second, we’ve got a great deal with As online retail continues to grow, it’s good to be connected with one of the first on the scene- particularly given their track record of resources and reliability. And their “affiliate” program has been very kind to us- even if you don’t buy one of the things on the “Buckeye Wheel O’ Goods” there on the right, if you click on the Amazon button and heading there from here we get a little taste of the goodness to keep the typewriters working. It doesn’t cost the consumer anything, your purchase history is private, and it helps us help you.
From all of the folks who make this site what it is, thanks for including us in your daily experience, and for helping us keep on keeping on.
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