Halo Headlines: Giavotella nearing return, Smith out indefinitely


The September 21, 2015 edition of Los Angeles Angels news including Johnny Giavotella beginning a rehab assignment, Joe Smith’s sprained ankle sidelining him indefinitely, and more…

The Story: Johnny Giavotella to begin rehab in Arizona

MWAH Says: Johnny G successfully cleared the batting-practice hurdle last week, so now he’s off to join the club’s instructional league in Arizona to face live pitching for a few days. If all goes well, the rumor is he might return Friday in Seattle. Depending on how the team fares in Houston, though, that could be too little too late.

The Story: Street ready for workload increase in wake of Smith injury

MWAH Says: The Angels can’t seem to go an entire season without a relief pitcher injuring his lower appendages in some strange fashion. Two years ago Scott Downs broke his toe while playing with his kids, last year Mike Morin cut his foot walking on the beach, and now Joe Smith sprained his ankle waving to a hotel employee. Huston Street says he’s ready to pick up the slack, but that might not be a good thing. Every time Street pitches three days in a row he seems to implode.

The Story: Mike Trout up for Best Major Leaguer award

MWAH Says: So apparently there’s something called the Esurance MLB Awards this year, which totally aren’t redundant and aren’t a thinly veiled marketing ploy to expand the “brand” of a sponsor. Oh wait, yes they are. Anyway, Trout’s up for the top two awards—Best Major Leaguer and Best Everyday Player—which sound like the generic off-brand stuff you might find on the bottom shelf at the grocery store. Let’s hope the awards aren’t packaged in a plastic bag.

The Story: The “David Murphy, lead-off hitter” experiment is over

MWAH Says: Did anyone really expect this to last? Murphy is a good bat to have in the lineup, but his .288 OBP with the Halos makes him easily one of the worst lead-off options. Erick Aybar’s really not much of a better choice, but the pickings are slim at the moment.

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