Halo Headlines: Trout talks swing mechanics, Pujols climbs all-time home run list


The June 4th, 2015 edition of Los Angeles Angels news including Trout talks swing mechanics, Pujols climbs all-time home run list and much more…

The Story: Mike Trout discusses how his top hand works in his swing.
The Monkey Says: This is deep hitting mechanics nerd stuff here. It is a bit over my head, but whatever Trout is doing, I’d say it is working.

The Story: Albert Pujols is now tied for 17th on the all-time home run list.
The Monkey Says: He is tied with Jimmie Foxx and will soon pass Mickey Mantle.

The Story: David Freese is better than his batting average.
The Monkey Says: It is true. The problem is Freese has thrived on a high BABIP in previous years, but he also hit a lot of grounders. That wasn’t a problem until this year when he started to pull the ball significantly more and is now grounding right into the teeth of the infield shift.

The Story: Kaleb Cowart has been playing some shortstop in recent games.
The Monkey Says: That’s an interesting choice. He is an excellent fielder at third, so he might have the chops, but it doesn’t matter if he never hits. The fact that they are exploring this route suggests that maybe the long-awaited conversion back to the mound isn’t ever going to happen.

The Story: Matt Joyce is on the Anti-All-Star team.
The Monkey Says: Amazingly, he is the only Angel to even get a dishonorable mention.

The Story: Hector Santiago deserves to be an All-Star.
The Monkey Says: Not with that massive ERA-FIP gap, he doesn’t. Sorry, but the numbers smell a little too fluky for me to support this. I also don’t care about the All-Star game, so, sure, go ahead and put him on. It’s all an exhibition anyway.

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