Halo Headlines: Weaver has no explanation for struggles, Hamilton owes Angels an apology


The May 4th, 2015 edition of Los Angeles Angels news including Weaver has no explanation for struggles, Hamilton owes Angels an apology and much more…

The Story: Jered Weaver has no answers for his continued struggles.
The Monkey Says: I might’ve thrown up in my mouth just a little reading that. Jered has no clue what’s wrong. Scioscia has no clue what is wrong. He’s broken and the only solution to fixing it might just be sending him to the DL with a phantom injury so he can work on the side without hurting the team anymore.

The Story: Josh Hamilton owes the Angels an apology.
The Monkey Says: Maybe he does a little bit, but Heyman misses the point (shocking, I know). This isn’t about the relapse. Trading Hamilton was never about the relapse. It was always about him dropping off a cliff in terms of production. That pissed Arte off more than anything because everyone hung the terrible signing on Moreno. The relapse was just the straw the broke the camel’s back.

The Story: Mike Trout learned a social media lesson after his tweets in support of Floyd Mayweather over the weekend.
The Monkey Says: This isn’t a big deal, it was just Trout’s naivete being exposed a bit. People forget that he’s so young, I think, and not quite aware of his place in the world as a role model. He probably just figured that rooting for Mayweather was like rooting for any other athlete and didn’t realize that in so doing he was tacitly supporting a convicted woman beater. My guess is Trout probably didn’t really know about Mayweather’s criminal history.

The Story: Mike Trout was working reporters on Twitter for NFL draft info.
The Monkey Says: Party foul on Schefter for tweeting a pic of a DM. This may have been an abuse or privileges by Trout, but you can’t blame a guy for trying.

The Story: Josh Hamilton is the gift that keeps on giving grief.
The Monkey Says: Yes, the contract forced other things to happen. One of the things it didn’t force was Moreno paying the luxury tax, which he probably could afford, but I also get why he wouldn’t push the payroll that high, especially with attendance slowly dropping.

The Story: The young boy struck by a Chris Iannetta foul ball is OK.
The Monkey Says: The boy probably could’ve caught the ball had he not already been in a state of shock that Iannetta made contact.

The Story: Mike Scioscia would like to see a permanent set of replay umpires.
The Monkey Says: He’s not wrong. I believe MLB thinks rotating the crews helps the field crews learn from having a different perspective but Scioscia makes a good point in that it creates a lot of inconsistency since crews rotate through so infrequently that there isn’t much time for learning the nuances of that particular role. Granted, he’s only saying this because the Angels got screwed by a blown replay call over the weekend, but sometimes you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.

The Story: Umpire Bill Miller was mocked with a fake chalk outline after he was felled by that passed ball off his knee over the weekend.
The Monkey Says: All in good fun, of course. You can’t blame the other umpires for ribbing him as Miller went down as if he had been shot when that ball hit him square in the knee. If there is one thing we learned from the Angels-Giants series this weekend, it is that nobody is safe around Chris Iannetta anymore.

The Story: Mike Scioscia and Bruce Bochy are writing legacies that few can claim.
The Monkey Says: To be fair, Scioscia can’t come close to claiming Bochy’s legacy either, so…

The Story: Albert Pujols recalls what it was like to hit his first MLB home run.
The Monkey Says: Ah, yes, I remember it well. It was a different time then when horse drawn carriage was the primary means of transportation and women couldn’t yet vote.

The Story: Andrew Heaney and Nick Tropeano are happy to have a humidor in Salt Lake.
The Monkey Says: Not only is it keeping their stats from being inflated, but it makes it even more convenient to smoke that post-game cigar.

The Story: Matt Joyce was the worst hitter of the month of April.
The Monkey Says: Subjectively speaking, of course. Still, that must’ve been a real Sophie’s choice to choose between Joyce and Iannetta.

The Story: A retrospective on Garrett Richards as a prospect.
The Monkey Says: He was definitely an interesting case and it really didn’t look like it was going to happen for him for awhile, but once things clicked, they really clicked.

The Story: A minor league prospect update on several players including Alex Yarbrough.
The Monkey Says: Scott Allen has been reporting that the defense is improving while this still has him as fringy. Where he truly lies is going to make a big difference in his MLB future. Of course, if Johnny Giavotella keeps playing this well, Yarbrough’s future won’t be in Anaheim.

The Story: The Brewers fired Ron Roenicke.
The Monkey Says: He’s the first branch of the Scioscia managing tree to get lopped off. Speculation is already abound that Roenicke will find his way back to Anaheim in short order. They probably won’t disrupt the coaching staff, though I imagine having Roenicke take over at third with DiSarcina isn’t totally out of the question. More likely is Roenicke will take on a pseudo-coaching/front office role and they’ll reconfigure the staff after the season. Or maybe nothing happens at all. This is all just speculation.

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