Angels Player Power Rankings – Final 2011 Edition

There might be three games left in the season, but those are looking to be academic at this point, so consider these the final Angels Players Power Rankings of the season before we close it all out with the end of season award.

Power rankings

  1. Jered Weaver (last week: 1) – It isn’t his fault that the lineup NEVER scores for him.  NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER!!!!
  2. Torii Hunter (last week: 3) – I just hope his back is OK for next season since he spent most of these last few weeks carrying the entire offense.
  3. Howie Kendrick (last week: 2) – A nice week for Howie, but he just never really seemed to come through when he had a chance to be a hero.
  4. Dan Haren (last week: 4) – A great bounce-back start for Dan, even if he did nearly get Charlie Brown-ed at the end.
  5. Scott Downs (last week: 5) – The Angel announcers and reporters beat his home shutout streak into the ground that you knew it was going to go down in flames at some point during this homestand.
  6. Ervin Santana (last week: 6) – If you have seen this man’s missing command, please contact your local authorities.
  7. Mark Trumbo (last week: 9) – If he really want to win AL ROY, he needs to make his injured ankle bleed through his sock and then smash his 30th Trum-bomb of the year.  Voters will eat that right up.
  8. Jerome Williams (last week: 14) – Williams put the clamps on a strong Toronto lineup making his strongest statement yet for his comeback season being for real.
  9. Peter Bourjos (last week: 13) – Bourjos finally caught fire this week, but, like the rest of the team, it is too little too late.
  10. Erick Aybar (last week: 8) – Aybar followed up his two-homer game to end last week with a game-losing error to begin this week.  The Aybar giveth and the Aybar taketh away.
  11. Maicer Izturis (last week: 10) – I think Maicer made his own game-losing error this week just so his buddy Aybar didn’t feel bad.
  12. Vernon Wells (last week: 12) – Want to know why Wells is so frustrating?  While he has hit seven homers this month, he has also only walked once while striking out 13 times.
  13. Jordan Walden (last week: 7) – Must… stifle… rage…
  14. Bobby Cassevah (last week: 11) – Like Downs and Walden before him, Bobby didn’t allow any earned runs this month until this week.
  15. Alberto Callaspo (last week: 16) – Every other Angel infielder but Callaspo made a costly error this week.  Oh, sweet irony!
  16. Joel Pineiro (last week: 22) – One good start and one iffy start was probably all the Angels could’ve dreamed to get from him and yet they still are falling out of the race.
  17. Bobby Abreu (last week: 19) – Even when he has multi-hit games, he still looks washed up.
  18. Hisanori Takahashi (last week: 17) – If you need a guy to come in and give up a game-losing sac fly, I can think of nobody better than Takahashi.  Unfortunately, neither can Mike Scioscia.
  19. Mike Trout (last week: 15) – Trout Fever has officially gone into remission.
  20. Jeff Mathis (last week: 18) – You’ll never guess who went 0-for-the week!  Go ahead, try.  You’ll never get it.  Oh, never mind.  You got it on the first guess.
  21. Bobby Wilson (last week: 20) – Don’t look now, but Wilson is in a tight race with Mathis to see who can hit for the worse average this year.
  22. Rich Thompson (last week: 23) – What did he do so poorly that caused him to fall behind Garrett Richards on the depth chart?  Thompson is like the anti-Mathis.
  23. Hank Conger (last week: 21) – How is it he didn’t get a single at-bat this week?  If he doesn’t start every game once the Angels are officially eliminated, then he might as well just put a down payment down on a condo in Salt Lake City.
  24. Russell Branyan (last week: 24) – How does he get only one at-bat on a team with Mathis, Wilson and an injured Trumbo?
  25. Horacio Ramirez (last week: 26) – What’s more shocking: Horacio pitching in a tie game or that he actually did his job and got the batter out?
  26. Garrett Richards (last week: 27) – He gets Joey Bats to pop out and fans Adam Lind but gets taken deep by Encarnacion.  The potential to dominate is there, he just isn’t ready to bring it full-time.
  27. Tyler Chatwood (last week: 30) – The Angels didn’t need to resort to using Chatwood as an emergency long reliever this week and yet they still managed to fall out of the race.
  28. Jeremy Moore (last week: 29) – Once again, he keeps afloat in the rankings due to not screwing up being a pinch-runner.
  29. Trevor Bell (last week: 25) – I don’t even know if he got a chance to warp up this week.
  30. Efren Navarro (last week: 32) – A sacrifice bunt is officially the highlight of his season.
  31. Alexi Amarista (last week: 28) – Either he didn’t play this week or he did and I mistook him for the batboy.
  32. Andrew Romine (last week: 31) – At least his brother is going to the post-season.
  33. Gil Velazquez (last week: 33) – Gil is this week’s winner of the “I Can’t Think of a Releveant Comment” Award.
  34. Fernando Rodney (last week: 34) – I can only imagine his demand for a trade was responded to only with raucous laughter until he sheepishly left the room.

Go ahead submit your own full or partial rankings and feel free to include your own player comments.

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