Angels Top Prospect Countdown: #13 – Natanael Delgado

Natanael Delgado

In 10 words or fewer: Continually puzzling youngster. Could be a superstar or bust.

Position: OF | Age (2016): 20
Bats: L | Throws: L
Height: 6’1″ | Weight: 170
2015 Rank: 16

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2015 prospect countdown


Contact – D.  Delgado’s trending in the wrong direction in terms of his contact. It isn’t to say he’s grown worse at this skill, but was once an above average skill set in Rookie Ball has turned into an average, and eventually a below average skill set as he’s climbed the minor league ladder.

Power – C.  This grade really depends, are you talking about present versus future. Current skill or potential skill. Currently, Delgado isn’t offering much in the way of pop. While he’s listed at 6’1 and 170 pounds, that’s when he signed a couple years back. When you actually see him, he looks much more like 6’3 200 lbs, which seems a lot more accurate. He’s big and he’s VERY strong. In batting practice, he can drive the ball a mile to all fields. But in the game, no such power manifests. This is the third year in a row we’ve said this, but there’s a TON of untapped potential here in Natanael Delgado, both in power and general athleticism.

Discipline – F.  He’ll go through stretches where he can take a walk, and then he’ll go through stretches where he’s Vladimer it and swing at anything nose to toes. Overall, there just really isn’t any plate discipline or consistency to speak of here.

Speed – C.  Delagado’s athleticism allows him to round the bases at a reasonably fast speed, but he currently isn’t a base stealer of any sort.


Arm – B-.   In terms of arm strength, Delgado would grade out with an A. His arm has improved every year to the point where it’s a cannon now. But we’ve also reached the point where its becoming clear that he still has no idea where the ball is going. Runners are advancing on him like crazy. The ball will most certainly beat them to the bag, but when it’s 15 feet off the mark. It’s difficult to generate many defensive outs.

Fielding – D.  He’s still a below average fielder. He’s better than two years ago, but nowhere near good, despite the obvious physical talent to record plus marks across the board.

Range – C.  Delgado has the speed, but nothing in terms of route efficiency or even seemingly the instincts to play the outfield.


Performance – D.  Just so confused.  We watched him as a 17-year-old hold his won against 19 and 20 year olds. He was extremely raw, but the end result was that because of his potential, nothing would stop him from surpassing them in a year or two. Last year, as an 18-year-old it was still more of the same. Still raw, but so much growth on both ends of the ball. At 19 in A ball, Delgado’s still ahead of the curve. In the first half, we saw him hit for average, which was enough to buoy his OBP at respectable levels. But as the season progressed, Delgado diminished, to the point where he wasn’t even in the lineup anymore and was on and off the DL. More importantly, we saw no growth from in terms of this much ballyhooed potential power and athleticism. It wasn’t a lost year, but all the same, after three years I think evaluators can now openly question whether or not Delgado will ever capitalize on all this talent. He does have one thing working in his favor however, youth. He just turned 20 years old at the end of the season. Next year, he should probably repeat A Ball at 20, and he’ll still be a full year and a half younger than the average player. So perhaps the loss of faith is too hasty.

Projection – A.  Delgado could turn into a really special player if he adds up all the pieces and refines the skills. He could reasonably hit .280 on an annual basis, and has the body type and swing where 30-40 HR’s shouldn’t be out of the question. If he starts putting the ball on the bag, he’ll have one of the better arms in any league. If he starts reading the ball better, you can feel comfortable stashing him at any of the three outfield spots. The OBP doesn’t look like it will ever be anything more than a below average skill. But when you watch his movements, when you watch him play, it’s easy to draw a connection between Delgado and Jorge Soler, or a young Nelson Cruz. But Delgado just isn’t anywhere near capitalizing on any of that yet. Right now, he more closely resembles Junior Lake. It’s too bad that wearing the uniform well and looking intimidating doesn’t win any games, otherwise Delgado would be a superstar,

What to expect in 2016 – I expect to see Delgado back healthy, and also back in the Midwest League. He had no problem hitting at home, and in the first half, and against RHP. But away from home, in the second half, against LHP, was another thing entirely. I expect to see Delgado show a little growth in these departments. It’s questionable if he will start using that immense natural strength of his, but maybe.

Most Likely Scenario – There’s just no way I can answer this one for Delgado, because there’s too much parity in this case as to where he can go. He can end up being a major league all-star, he could end up being a Junior Lake type of reserve, he could put much of it together but the lack of discipline keeps him out of the majors, he could wash out in the next year. It’s really all dependent on his maturity and refinement, and he’s still a long way off.

Grade as a Prospect – C+.  The numbers are below average, but the skills are through the roof. We just need to see it translate.

Estimated Time of Arrival – 2021.  It’s crazy to think that in five years, this kid still won’t have reached his full potential. It’s a long time to spend in the minors, but if he does make the majors, this is the time frame I envision. Right around his 24th or 25th birthday.

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