Angels ride the rollercoaster, defeat White Sox 7-5

I have to admit that I only sort of paid attention to this game until late. This was due to three factors. 1) the Anaheim Ducks are in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and playoff hockey is awesome. 2) My children were wild banshees due to the fact that I was immersed in two sporting events and not the latest episode of PHINEAS and FERB. 3) The Angels have kind of sucked for the first month and week of the season so I was a bit disheartened when the emergency starter for tonight's game gave up a lead off home run. But I did slowly come around to the game the same way the Angels slowly wore down the Sox on their way to a win.

Angels 7 White Sox 5


Game Notes

— We all kind of knew what kind of game we were in for with Barry Enright starting. This was going to be won or lost by the bullpen and they were very good tonight. Dane De La Rosa has now emerged as the key set-up man in the pen, Mark Lowe looked serviceable in a swing role and Erenesto Frieri is having fun again. I'm sure it's an aberration but for one night, I'll take it.

— It may be another short term enfatuation on my part, but I kind of like JB Shuck. He's not particularly good at anything but he seems to get on base with regularity and plays decent defense. And hey, you got to keep him around just for the Shuck of it!

— Josh Hamilton still sucks. We now return you to our regularly scheduled program.

— It was nice to see the Angels get a few hits with runners in scoring position. This was supposed to be the way the Halos won games this year so it was refreshing to see the blueprint followed at least a little bit.

Halo Hero

Angels ride the rollercoaster, defeat White Sox 7-5

Not sure what it says about the team that Brendan Harris is playing a key role this early in the season, but Harris has been really good in small doses. Tonight he collected three hits and his home run got the ball rolling for the offense. I certainly don't want him as the long term shortstop but it's nice to see a little guy out there doing David Eckstein like things. Maybe he can spark the Angels into some wins. He sure did tonight!

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