Angels v. Red Sox

Angels v Red Sox (Game 3 of 4)

Santana v. Beckett

Things are not looking good for the Halos as they enter the 3rd game of this planned 4 game series. My only consolation at this point is that it could end up being one of the tougher road trips of the season; therefore, it’s a good thing to get it out of the way early. As I wrote before Game 1 I never felt like this was a series we could split. It was either going to be 3 wins for us or 3 wins for them.

Depending on how Ervin Santana can pitch today I may end up being right. I am trying not to laugh but today is a day game and we are on the road, 2 factors that separately weigh heavily against Santana. Combining those 2 factors might be too much for Santana to overcome. Then again, maybe those 2 negatives can create a positive!

And Santana will likely have to be lights out because it would appear that the team left its offense at the baggage check-in at John Wayne Airport. I don’t think that extra bat in the lineup, no matter whom it was, would help the Halos right now. They look lifeless at the plate. But I take some solace in the fact that this team has not been that great early in the season the last few years, a far cry from the teams that used to fly out of the gate and limp across the finish line. I KNOW we will heat up and get going. The key is to not slip so far like we did last year that even the best record in baseball over the last 3 months could do little to save our season.

Keys to this game? All together now…HIT, HIT, HIT.
If the day-road-game-Santana-curse can be avoided he will out pitch Beckett who is a DL candidate waiting to happen. Santana pitches well, we win this game.

No prediction for a score…I am too busy holding my breath.

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