I have one thing thing to announce.

The web address of Fang’s Bites is changing to The server is remaining here at Blogger so you won’t see anything different. During the next three days, Google will start redirecting traffic to the new domain name so you should change your bookmarks.

It’s something I’ve wanted to do and it’s all because of you. I started it back in 2005, but I really began in earnest in May of last year. Since May 2007, Fang’s Bites has grown and the visitors have grown with it. When I started, I was happy with 100 unique visitors a day, now it’s gotten to the point that I’m getting visits from all over the world and I really appreciate the e-mails and comments you’ve sent over the last 17 months.

I don’t make money on Fang’s Bites. I do this for fun and like many bloggers, I’ve found that it has taken over my life, but sports media is a subject near and dear to my heart and it’s been fun to cover it from my perch in Rhode Island.

The way I cover things will not change and you can expect the interviews, Amazing Race episode recaps and plenty of links to your heart’s content. Thanks for visiting and reading.

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