Another Arrest In Carlee Wines Case

Another Arrest In Carlee Wines CaseUCONN Police announced a third arrest in the investigation of the hit-and-run death of Carlee Wines. Kara Satalin,18, was arrested on the charges of purchasing alcohol for a minor, conspiracy to procure liquor for a minor, misrepresentation of age to procure liquor, third-degree identity theft and conspiracy to commit third-degree identity theft. That basically says to me she was the one who provided the alcohol for Anthony Alvino, the driver of the car, and Michelle Hall, one of the passengers. Of course that is pure speculation on my part.

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting this to be the third arrest. I am still surprised that the mother of Alvino has not been arrested seeing that she would do anything to help protect her son. With all the CSI’s I watch, I would think that would be conspiracy to tamper with evidence and obstruction of justice.

Update: Satalin is/was also a student at UCONN. She had gotten the fake ID from Hall. She purchased 3 to 4 bottles of vodka for Alvino, Hall and friends.

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