Another Blanton stinker sinks the Angels as they fall 11-4 to the Royals

Joe Blanton is slowly robbing me of my will to live. I really can't handle another one of his starts and I'm not sure the Angels already microscopic hopes of turning this season around can either.

After having three not terrible starts against three terrible offenses, Blanton reverted back to becoming the Human Batting Practice machine. There is no sense describing it beyond that because we've all seen it already, over and over and over. It isn't getting better. This is who he is.

The most brutal part of his starts isn't how bad he is, it is how bad everyone else knows he is. Once the wheels start getting a little wobbly for Joe, you can just see the rest of the team starting to sag because they know what is coming. Even on offense they seem enervated once Blanton digs them that early hole because they just know that even if they scratch out a run or two to close the gap, Blanton is just going to come back the next inning with his shovel in hand to undo everything and then some.

Jered Weaver should be back in a few weeks and, contract be damned, there is no good reason for Blanton to keep his rotation spot when that happens. There is just no way this team will ever right the ship when Blanton comes out every fifth day and bangs the hull into an iceberg.

Royals 11, Angels 4

Game Notes

–Another crystal clear example of how Blanton makes people hate life is Scioscia allowing Jimenez to play shortstop and Harris moving to left field. Lucho can probably handle left for a few innings but I think Sosh wanted to liven things up a bit seeing how Blanton sucked all the life out of the stadium.

–Billy Butler is just an Angel murderer. Kansas City fans should send us one big cake to thank Blanton for getting Butler untracked.

–Chris Iannetta got two hits! Break up the Halos!

–We've officially reached the point of the season where the Angels suck so bad that idiots run onto the field. I can't believe they still have 124 games left.


Halo A-Hole of the Game

Another Blanton stinker sinks the Angels as they fall 11-4 to the Royals

You have no idea how many pics of Blanton wiping his forehead in exasperation there are on the internet. My fear is that we will find out exactly how many of those pics there because Sosh and Dipoto will never remove him from the rotation in some misguided allegiance to his status as a "veteran inning eater."

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