Another Year Gone

SeattleWell baseball season hasn’t really started yet and football is a long way off, yet I dare say that the new seasons are already done and “We’ll get ‘em in 2013!”

Somehow, the Mariners’ training staff allowed a talented player in Franklin Gutierrez to reinjure himself. While I realize that baseball and any team sport is more than just one player and is actually the sum of all players, this won’t be the last spring/season ending injury and Seattle sports teams have a notoriously hard time getting over these early season setbacks, which invariably affect them for the entire season. The Mariners are not exactly off to a bang start this spring and the current climate does not bode well for 2012.

The Seattle Seahawks’ knee jerk reaction to the release of a highly overrated quarterback is indicative of their true nature. By releasing players like Marcus Trufant, a talented hometown cornerback, to free up more salary cap money to flush, errrr, I mean pay Peyton Manning belies their rebuilding for the future rhetoric, exposes them for the desperate, panting, franchise they are. Let’s hope for everyone’s sake they don’t fall into the Al Davis trap of blindly groping for veteran players, regardless of the ‘fit” they may or may not have with the team. Selfish, whining prima donnas are not the answer as we have seen with the Raiders over the last 20 years.

I hope future Northwest team owners and general managers eventually learn from the past. Looks like this will not be the year, however. Add in the arena distraction and Royal Brougham Way could be a very depressing place this year.

Play Ball.

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