If you’re a subscriber to Sirius XM and listened to Howard Stern about 8:45 this morning, you heard Mad Dog Channel program director Steve Torre, the person allegedly fired on the air on Thursday.
Steve tried to maintain that the firing was real and that he was “reinstated”, but apparently this whole thing about Mad Dog cleaning house, looking for new hosts, canceling his vacation and bringing in staff was all shenanigans.
Torre was at Sirius today in his office and when he did a spot with Stern, he mentioned that he was out of the office on Thursday to fulfill some personal commitments and was off Friday anyway. So his “firing” was actually a planned absence to begin with.
And Chris is indeed on vacation as Torre said today. Granted, it’s a slow period for sports and the Mad Dog Channel needed some buzz, but was this the way to do it? To create a false firing and tirade, it leaves listeners with a bad taste and when Russo actually wants to do something real, the fans may not want to go on this ride again. You have to be careful when pulling stunts like these.
The staff that was “untalented” and a bunch of “little bow wows” appears to be intact and there are no firings imminent.
I was suspicious to begin with, but wanted to give Russo the benefit of the doubt, but with Torre back today, this whole thing rings quite hollow.
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