Are Phillies landing Tomas?


Will they or won’t they?

It seems as though every morning when we check twitter, read the MLB insiders’ most recent articles or turn on sports radio, Yamany Tomas is going to a different team.

You see, the MLB Hot Stove season is definitely not good for your blood pressure. I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV, but the constant updates, false reports, crazy trade rumors and the like will get your heart racing.

As Comcast SportsNet’s Phillies insider Jim Salisbury reported last week, Tomas will go where the money leads him.

One insider told me “he will go to highest bid.” That same source also said, “I just don’t think anyone goes 100 [million.]”

Yes, according to multiple reports, that’s what the Cuban defector is asking for. Keep in mind, Tomas hasn’t played one inning in the major leagues and is asking for a price that steep. reported last week that the phillies were “cooling out” on their pursuit of Tomas. The report cited conditioning concerns as well as questions about his defense. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Who the heck cares how bad of a defender he is when we’ve won a World Series with Pat Burell at the position and had to watch the train wreck that was Domonic Brown this past season.

If I had to guess, Tomas’ conditioning and defense aren’t  really the factors here. They are convenient arguments to drive our blood pressure up.

The Phillies are still very much in on the Yasmany Tomas market. They will sign him if the price is right. I wonder, though, if 100 million is too much.

Remember, deep breaths throughout the offseason. They’ll go a long way.

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