Are You Not Entertained? Illibuck

I’m pretty certain everyone was well entertained this week. Nothing like Illinois to cure what ails you!


Are You Not Entertained? Illibuck
Nothing was quite as entertaining as Corey Brown's sweet moves. Thanks to J. Winslow for the photos!

4 Quarters of Offense.We scored with 4 minutes left in the first quarter. I feel like this isn’t quite “early” enough, nor “often” enough for your taste.

Defense…more, please. It was a pretty solid effort from the defense, and probably would have been better if the offense hadn’t coughed the ball up twice. But you really can’t complain with 170 total yards for the Illini.

XBrax360. 223 yards passing, 73 yards running, and 3 total touchdowns. Pretty solid video gamey numbers.

Electricity in the ‘Shoe. Maybe it was electric in the first quarter, but I doubt it lasted much beyond halftime. Cold weather plus a blowout does not electricity make. Not having been there, someone will have to let me know if they felt differently.


No more Illini Dancing on the Block O. I very much doubt there was any Illini dancing going on after this one.

Throw It Over Top. There were certainly some nice throws over the top. The wheel-route to Rod Smith was a thing of beauty.

Silver Bullets. They made steps in the right direction, and they would have likely held Illinois to only 6 points all game if it wasn’t for those meddling backups and their fumbles.

Hyde and Smith. Hyde got over 100 (137) and was the primary rusher – so you were correct there. Rod Smith’s 32 yards on 5 carries, however, not so much. In fact, Bri’onte Dunn’s 73 yards on 13 carries and a score was a much better outing toting the rock. Rod Smith’s 55 receiving yards (51 on the wheel-route) makes his day overall better.


Are You Not Entertained? Illibuck
Carlos Hyde had a spectacular 3 touchdown day that was well worth a celebration.

Start fast. They had a little life in them still at the end of the first quarter. The 24-0 scoring blitz through the second put a stop to that in a hurry, however.

100 yard back. You got your one out of Carlos “Rawhyde” Hyde.

Air it out. 20 passes, with 12 completions wasn’t exactly an aerial bombardment, but some of the plays we saw were awfully fun to watch.

Special teams. Some of the coverages weren’t fantastic, but I would certainly say that we didn’t commit any egregious mistakes.

Tackle. The fundamentals were there, and seem to be improving with time. Perhaps a reduction in defensive penalties would be nice?


The return of the Heisman winning moment against Illinois.It wasn’t 314 yards rushing, but the passing game looked pretty good. It wasn’t quite the “moment” I was asking for, though.

A strong defensive presence. The defense did a much improved job in this one. 170 yards and 16 points (two field goals, one touchdown and a pair of two point conversions) is a job reasonably well done.

More than 10 receptions for the game. This week, the Miller threw 20 passes for 12 completions. Not only did we get more than 10 receptions, we also got a 60% completion rate! Hurrah! (If we add in Guiton’s passing, we were 13/22 and still making bank on this).

No more Mali “no false starts” predictions. Yeah, that was doomed from the get-go. But, technically, I didn’t look at this post on Saturday, so I didn’t “see” it. Did you buy that? No? Ok then.


Kenny G. He certainly got some playing time in this one! The fumble was unfortunate, but he did lead the Buckeyes to one score with Bri’onte Dunn. All around acceptable job Smooth Jazz!

Passing Touchdowns. How about two passing touchdowns? I think that is quite satisfactory.

Shutout. Ahhh….not so much. Though the defense made a good play of it after the first quarter (thanks for the turnovers offense).

10-0. Bingo. The Buckeyes are 10-0 for the third time in seven years. Incredible.

I’m Hopeful. Stop me if you’ve “heard” this before. Mali jinxes the offense…again. (Mali Edit- Lies!! No false start this week!)

Joe L.

Are You Not Entertained? Illibuck
Rod Smith did everything but punch it in on a huge 51 yard wheel-route.

Braxton throwing the ball down field. He did a pretty good job of it this time. His throws were accurate and well timed, and he didn’t seem to under/over throw too many of them. Definite progress in this field!

No injuries. I didn’t see any injuries this time around. Feel free to correct me if I’m forgetting one.

One step closer to an undefeated season. Check. Step towards an undefeated season taken.


No Let Down. There was definitely no letdown. They played on-fire and killed a team they were supposed to kill. They may be starting to sort it out.

Accuracy. The accuracy was there. He hit 60% of his passes this week, and put most of them on the money. Nothing like the Illini…


A blowout Win. It was basically a blowout win. The extra 16 points we handed them were unfortunate, but didn’t drastically kill the feeling of the massacre.

Double 150 yard rushers. I present you zero 150 yard rushers – though Carlos Hyde came very close with 137.

A competent passing game. It looked pretty competent to me in this one. The question will be, is it reproducible in later games?

No Injuries. As above, I don’t recall seeing any. Someone will have to correct me if I’m wrong.

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