Wow… I think we may have hit a record for “wishes granted” this week. Here’s the tale of the tape…

- A repeat of last year’s Rose Bowl – The Buckeyes came out firing, particularly with the “no huddle” wrinkle on first downs. A beautiful thing…
- Foot on the gas pedal – Well, at least for the first half… After that, everyone’s ulcers kicked in.
- The Buckeye Five to shine – Indeed. From TD catches and runs, to THE play that sealed the game; these guys earned their redemption.
- No false starts – Failboat, party of one.
- A focused team. From the start, it was obvious that Ohio State meant business- the defense set the tone that they maintained for the rest of the game.
- A youth movement. Not on purpose, but the young Bucks stepped up particularly in the secondary.
- Dominant play from the secondary. Again, the walking wounded and the guys pressed into service rose to the occasion- although Razorbacks with butter fingers certainly helped.
- Aggression in all phases of the game. Again, kind of. Focused throughout and aggressive defensive play led to the win, but “Tresselball” was in full effect in the second half. I also want to honor the fact that Arkansas’ punter had a lot to do with this- what a great job he did pinning the Scarlet and Gray deep in their own territory. If only I could check up like that with my pitching wedge…

- Taking care of business/Getting back to basics. I think that, other than distracted, the “off field” stuff made the team come together and play with an intensity that we saw all to infrequently this season.
- Some noteworthy positives to finish the season. Uh, I think this is a “win”… So let’s just take a second to enjoy the awesomeness that was Cam Heyward. Holy cow… being held, double and triple teamed, and even cheap shot at times, he still managed to wreak more mayhem that that dude on the stupid insurance commercials.
- Effective in-game adjustments. Not sure it was really needed- the “adjustment” back to Tresselball was effective and maddening.
- I want to SEE the game, on mute; Jim will have to let us know if he was successful with his strategy; the rest of us had to put up with more “suspension” talk, even in the freaking post game highlights.
- Angry, focused play; Win, win, win, win. At no time did the Buckeyes lose hope or vision of the plan, even when the rest of us certainly did.
- Bend but don’t break plus first down; No big plays for one of the most prolific offenses in college football. Good game planning, Heacock, and great execution, Silver Bullets.
- A win over an SEC team. Did you know that the Big Ten and the SEC now have the same number of bowl wins? Yeah, I didn’t think so…
- An announcing crew that speaks about the game, Well, not the entire game, but enough of it was “suspension” discussion… What else did you expect from eSECpn?
- A focused team playing together, Done and done.
- Young guys stepping up I”ll miss Chimdi and Devon, but we’re in really good hands next season.
- No false starts. J.B, brother… I think there may be something in the Samson narrative that said he was early to kill the Philistines. Can I interest you in a haircut in the offseason?
- TE involvement. Yessir, that 41 yard toss to Fragel was AMAZING! The best part of it? Where we got the idea.
- Dial in Knile. The Arkansas back had well over a hundred yards, something that is rare against the Buckeyes. Even if Mallet goes pro, the Hawgs are going to be just find with Mr. Davis.
- Shut up and play. Can’t argue with the second straight BCS game MVP; even if someone else should have gotten it (Cam, Dane, the entire freaking defense), the fact that TP was in the running for the offer speaks volumes about how well he handled the game.
- Shut up and talk. You know what makes the talking heads and yapping fans stop talking? Sugar Bowl Champs, baby!!
This video may be the highlight of the season, from Dane and Lou to everyone blowing off Mark May to Cam “The Janitor” Heyward… Priceless.
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