Are You Not Entertained? UCF Edition

Are You Not Entertained? UCF Edition
I. Score. Touchdowns.


Passing, passing, more passing. I asked for 50 fewer yards, and the Buckeyes put up 100 fewer yards passing compared to last week. I think we’re moving the wrong direction here.

A sack fest. One sack a fest does not make. In fact, I think the diners at the table are on the verge of starving to death after only three sacks for the last two games. Will they show some hunger next week?

A 100 Yard Game from Carlos Hyde. It’s probably my fault he’s injured. Sorry guys. He ended with 27 yards on 7 carries, and was only just getting things rolling.

Ultra-short laser pulses. UCF didn’t bring the laser along, I’m so disappointed. (Ed. – Yea, right, that would have cost more than bringing the entire football team plus buying all the seats in the stadium, and shuttling UCF students and fans to fill them plus a week’s vacation. Fuggetaboutit)


Plug the gaps. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something. UCF only gained 103 yards on the ground, and their top back only went for 75 on the day. Perfect? No, but it wasn’t exactly easy sledding either.

Seek and Destroy. Hmm…not so much. The linebackers barely had their name called all day, and certainly not in run support.

Should they sneak through. CJ Barnett and Christian Bryant did, in fact, light a few people up. There can be improvement in this regard, but – baby steps. Baby steps.

Lock down. Lock down corners? Try again next week.

Brax-tacular and Mr. Hyde. Well, you got another helping of the Braxton Show, but I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one placing a curse on Carlos Hyde for the week.

Are You Not Entertained? UCF Edition
Jake Stoneburner hauls in a score.


Shutout. Ehhh…16, with 8 points left on the field (missed extra point, and late failed drive) isn’t exactly a shutout by anyone’s definition.

No False Starts. The left tackle failed you this time.

Scarlet And Gray. Scarlet? Yes. Gray? Not so much.

Hands Of Stone. And the only receiving touchdown of the day went to….Jake Stoneburner! Finally one goes Mali’s way!

Sack You Very Much. Again – one…count it, one…sack for the day.


How the Big Ten handles against stiffer competition. Hahahahahaha…hahahaha….haha…haha….heh….oh, wait, you were serious.

Consistency from our Buckeyes. The offense was definitely consistent. They moved the ball, got stopped occasionally, but scored points reasonably easily. It was certainly an improved offensive showing. The defense was…well, sure…consistent. There is still plenty to sort out there, I’m sure everyone will agree.

More freak catches. Keep dreaming. That’s a once in a season catch.

Jake Stoneburner can has ball plz?He can haz ball, and he can score touchdownz.

Are You Not Entertained? UCF Edition
Travis Howard plucks a gift from the air.


Show Up for Four Quarters. It definitely started out hot. It slowed down late, but mostly because of good adjustments from the UCF defense, a lack of Carlos Hyde in the backfield, and general exhaustion from the team.

BraxOnBraxOnBrax. He got a better completion percentage – 18/24 this time around – but not better yardage. He also didn’t put up quite the same level of ludicrousness in the running game. I might still consider them to be video game numbers, however.

The Secondary. Better, but not perfect. Still a couple long balls down the sideline with coverage men standing around smoking and joking.

Pass Rush. What is this “pass rush” you speak of? Is this some kind of new-fangled offensive scheme allowing you to pass the ball and then run with it at the same time? Whoa.

Stone Their Running Game. 103 yards on the ground is not “shut down” or “stoned”. It is however decent, quality, defense. I’d like to see them improve on it later this season.


Shut down the run early. Nope. As above, 103 yards is not “shut down”. It is “limited” though.

Adjust earlier. Meehhh…good adjustments from both sides sorta kept the Silver Bullets from completely locking down. George O’Leary is a pretty good coach all told.

Release the Braxton. You asked for 350 yards from the Braxton. He gave you 296. And you will like it.


Silver Bullets. There was no early “setting of tones” from the defense, nor did they “return to their usual dominance”. We’ll wait a few more weeks before we judge too harshly, but it’s not a promising start so far.

Power O. That’s three people that cursed Carlos Hyde, for those keeping track at home.

Kicking game schmicking game. One field goal from 24 yards out. That’s all. The Buckeyes also went for it twice on fourth down, going 1/2 for the game. Just don’t remind Urban of that first one… (he might eat you).

Turn Vrabs and Coombs loose. Coombs was going haywire, but Vrabs has been quiet – at least as far as we can tell from home.


Buckeye Leaves on the Helmets. Didn’t notice anything spectacularly different. Perhaps next week?


Are You Not Entertained? UCF Edition
The defense had their moments.

Fast Start. The Bucks definitely got off to a faster start, and then sputtered a bit after that until the end of the 2nd quarter. The offense has to learn to keep its foot on the gas the whole time, especially if the defense continues to sputter.

Braxton’s Accuracy. He was 14-24 against Miami OH, and 18-24 against UCF (including hitting the first 7 or 8 in a row). That’s definitely an improvement in accuracy! In the same breath, he threw a lot of shorter passes which would explain the increased marksmanship – no complaints, however!

Pass Rush. Why do people keep asking for this mythical “pass rush”?

Joe L.

The number one play of the week again. Hah, no.

Interceptions, pass breakups and tight coverage. Better coverage, but not great coverage. Three picks, 2 off tipped balls, and some decent pass breakups helped. However, still too many open receivers downfield at the sideline.

New hd Scoreboard continuing to light up. How does it look fellas? Is it better than the Michigan State one that I can see from my house three miles away?? (Actually, the MSU one turns out to be about 400 square feet bigger than the OSU one. Sparty’s overcompensating for something.)


Electricity. Meh, it was hot and cold. Typical preseason noon OSU football game.

Better Secondary. It was improved, but not perfect. Lots of room to get better here.

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