Armani Reeves is a Buckeye!

Armani Reeves is a Buckeye!Armani Reeves is another outstanding addition to the 2012 class.

MA DB Armani Reeves (5’10” 185 lbs.) has officially committed to Urban Meyer and the Buckeyes, becoming the newest member of Ohio State’s 2012 class.

Reeves is a four-star cornerback that helps address the recent loss of Gambrell and Clarke from the team, making this a great addition to the class at a huge position of need.

Reeves and his high school teammate Camren Williams have looked like a package deal for some time and that worked out to the benefit of the Buckeyes.

They had originally tried to make that happen at PSU, but as we have already seen with Tommy SchuttNoah Spence and Joey O’Connor– Penn State’s loss is Ohio State’s gain.

Reeves looked around a little more to make his decision than Williams- he seriously considered Michigan before seeing the light and joining the Buckeyes.

The Wolverines really thought they had this recruitment in the bag, and as always, it is great to beat them at anything.

Watching Armani on film, you see a true athlete and a player that could make an impact on both sides of the ball. There have been rumors that Meyer is recruiting him as a slot receiver, but I see him landing on defense as a lock down corner.

He has the strength to bump and battle with the bigger receivers and the speed and hip turn to cover the burners.  Not only can he cover, he likes to come up to the line of scrimmage, fight off blocks, and make big hits defending the run.

With the physical nature of his game, a good Buckeye comparison may be to Antoine Winfield… only  Reeves is a little bigger.

That is a lofty comparison, so here are some highlights to help you decide for yourself (they’re offensive highlights, so it probably won’t help that much).

Welcome to the Ohio State family, Armani!

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