Somewhere close to 5,000,000 people follow Ashton Kutcher on Twitter, but if you read this blog, you probably don’t. Because you’re cooler than that.
Anyway, on Twitter recently he posted from the set of his new movie that he had to wear a shirt that made him want to throw up:
I have to wear this tshirt in my movie and it make me want to throw up
It was supplemented with this picture:
I know, I’m shocked Kutcher’s actually going to be in another movie, too. What with all the camera commercials, I thought he completely sold out for good.
Anyway, I imagine this is just a front for all the people that believe he’s a die-hard Hawkeye fan (he’s from Iowa), who also happens to claim he’s a big Chicago Bears fan. Yes, the same Bears fan that was in the suite next to me at an Atlanta Falcons game, wearing a Falcons hat, and passionately cheering/praying for them to win. (For the record, I live in Atlanta for school and I did not wear any Falcons gear to the game). As much as that shirt may, or may not, make Ashton want to puke (how could the Michigan Wolverines make anybody who made such a smart wife decision want to puke), he elicits the same feelings from a lot more people than he has following him on his Twittter account about him.
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