Audio: Thomas Robinson speaks with Sacramento media


After being selected fifth overall by the Sacramento Kings, Thomas Robinson got on the phone with the local media. A few of the highlights, followed by the conference call in its entirety after the jump.

  • On his reaction to being selected: “I don’t know where it came from. I worked hard to get here and now I’m able to see it…It really got emotional.”
  • Robinson says he’s excited to play alongside DeMarcus Cousins.   “He’s tough, he’s a young player and he’s going to play hard. I wouldn’t mind at all going to play next to him.”
  • Was Robinson surprised that he slipped all the way to the No. 5 pick? “Yeah, but no. It kind of went based on team needs. The teams that skipped past me didn’t need me at their positions. The Kings took a chance with me, took me at five and I’m going to make the best of that.”

Audio recorded by James Ham.


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