Back From Biloxi

So I had a great time in Biloxi, MS last week. Mostly because I got away from my desk and wore toolbags for a week. You can get the kid out of Reardan but you can’t get the blue-collar Reardan hick out of the kid. There isn’t enough cyberspace to describe everything I saw but it was pretty amazing (in a bad way) how much devistation still exists down there just over a year later. Apparently there was a 10′ wall of water that rushed through Biloxi and didn’t go down for 7 or so hours. People survived by waiting it out in there attics or on their roofs, with neighbors bodies floating by and Cottonmouths and Water Mocassins (both very deadly snakes) swimming around. We drove along the beach between Biloxi and Gulfport and saw tons of buildings just leveled. There were also a lot of concrete front steps that lead to nothing. I’ll try to get some picture posted sometime soon.

So I may sound like a jerk by saying I had fun but the attitude of the people we were helping was great. One of the ladies we helped has been visited by President Bush twice which a couple of our guys actually recognized her from the news. The other lady we helped was a cook at the local casino (there are 4 or 5 Vegas sized casino’s down there) and she cooked us up some real deal southern BBQ for lunch on our last day. She was out BBQ’ing at 7:30am when we showed up so you can imagine how good that was by noon. I’ve never eaten as much meat as I did down there. I came back with a raging case of Gout.

Anyhoo, Cougar football… Think about it from USC’s eye’s. They have young DB’s and the Cougs have a handful of weapons at receiver. They have to make a decision about protecting against the pass by either getting those corner’s some help or blitzing the heck out of Brink. I’m with Brinkhaters original call that they are going blitz big time at least to start the game. Brink hasn’t proved he can handle it yet and the Cougs have a couple big men missing from the OL. Maybe USC hasn’t had to blitz a lot yet but they haven’t played a passing attack like the Cougs have yet. Correct me if I’m wrong but I never think of passing offense when I hear Nebraska and Aransas’ names. The good thing is that the Cougs have a good running game to keep them honest. Having said that I think the play of our OL is going to be critical. I bet they wear down and the game goes from close to a blow out in the 4th quarter…

USC 38 Cougs 21
Wildcats 28 UW 24
Oregon 42 Sundildos 36
Cal 36 Beavs 30
Bruins 24 Stanford 10

Bucs 31 Iowa 20

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