Back To Work Tuesday Linkage

We go back to work today after a nice three day weekend off. It also depends on how nice it was depending on where you’re located. It was mostly a scorcher in the Northeast where I’m located. It will continue to be a scorcher for most of the week so if you’re in an area where it’s over 90 degrees, I hope you remain cool and out of the heat. It’s crazy.

But linkage continues and let’s provide some right now.

Michael Hiestand from USA Today looks at FIFA seeking help on determining the result of close calls.

John Rowady from Mediapost says 3-D TV is on the fast track due to sports driving its engine.

Ryan Berenz of Channel Guide Magazine has ESPN’s outlets that are airing the World Cup semfinals.

CNBC’s Darren Rovell wonders how LeBron James will make his announcement on where he’ll land. 

ESPN UK has its schedule for the English Premier League for the four months of the new season. 

Phil Mushnick of the New York Post feels YES didn’t give proper credit to the Toronto Blue Jays when they made good defensive plays against the Yankees.

Pete Dougherty in the Albany Times Union has the MLB Network schedule through the All-Star Break.

Keith Groller of the Allentown (PA) Morning Call says the gluttonous Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest is the new 4th of July tradition.

Ed Sherman in Crain’s Chicago Business says it’s time for the Windy City to land a big name free agent.

EPL Talk has the long-term effects of ESPN’s coverage of this year’s World Cup will have on soccer in America.

Sox & Dawgs has the funny Dunkin’ Donuts ad featuring the Red Sox’s Jonathon Papelbon and the diminutive Dustin Pedroia.

Joe Favorito says an Oakland A’s promotion may have been a hit with fans, but not with the players.

Len Berman has his top 5 sports stories of the day.

That’s all that’s out there for now. I’ll do some more links later as more people get back to work.

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