Bad Turris-t

Bad Turris-t

We have begun to enter the fun stage of this genre where the translation makes its way back to those who were slagged. For the unawares, yesterday in a Globe & Mail story, Turris went all Andre Petersson on SM-Liga transportation, Finnish truck-stop dining, and the crushing boredom that is life in Oulu. I’m also pretty sure there was something in there insulting Finnish women, not to mention his severe disdain for saunas, reportedly calling them “bullshit”, and that he’s really “more of a hot-tub kind of a guy”. In short bridges were burned.

So first we go to Karpat’s head coach:


Now onto Turris’s agent who had this to say (via Puck Daddy):

“The Globe & Mail article completely misrepresented Kyle’s experience in Finland,” said his agent, Kurt Overhardt, who called the article “erroneous” in a phone interview on Tuesday. He has nothing but positive things to say about the team, and the way they treated him”

The interesting thing about all this is, for much of the afternoon the Globe story was taken offline, leading to speculation the reporting may be suspect. But it has since been re-posted, with this one small correction:

Bad Turris-t

Turris is slated to have an official denial statement via the team’s website Wednesday morning. I’m not sure Kyle was planning to head back to Finland anyway, he just might not have the option now.

Oh…and of course there’s a parody account:



And here’s Turris’ love letter to Oulu, Karpat, and the fans…in which he also makes time to dismiss the Globe story on grounds it contains – “very innacurate and untrue information“. Although he doesn’t specify what exactly was false, don’t think anyone’s buying this vague dismissal. Should have just owned it.

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