Barely News: Ben Bishop to Bingo


Like an old Radek Bonk trade rumour, this subject has been bandied about by the various media outlets and today it became finalized. For those unaware, the towering 6'7" goaltender was on the AHL roster "clear date", which makes him eligible to sign this kind of deal.

Assistant GM Tim Murray had confirmed this was the plan last week:

"I’m just trying to stall him as long as I can, that’s all. And it is. I’ve asked him to let us get through training camp here. It might take care of itself with an injury and it may not. We have to decide what we want to do. There are two decisions: it’s what’s best for the organization and I think what’s best for the organization is him playing. And then it’s what’s best for Robin, and we haven’t really sat down and had that conversation yet. (Bishop’s) agent says he wants to play here but we haven’t talked money or anything. I mean, we may be in the ballpark and have him here next week, but when we get into the brass tax about money and about is he the starter? Or is he one of three? Or is he one of two? Those details, when we get talking to his people about that, it may not be to their liking at all. But, I don’t know that and just generally, it looks like he wants to come down here, and we’ll just have to make it work."

From the sounds of it, he will be one of three. In perhaps the only worthwhile news to come out of Bishop's signing, Nathan Lawson, an unrestricted free agent goaltender who signed with the Senators in the summer to backup Robin Lehner, has reportedly refused to report to the ECHL's Elmira Jackals.

Great, there's nothing like a congested crease to potentially take away more ice-time from either of Ottawa's better young goaltenders.

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