Baseball Book Starts a Movement

Baseball Book Starts a MovementThe children’s book A Glove of Their Own tells the story of kids joining together in a park to play baseball. It captures the essence of what goes on across America as children gather to enjoy the grand old game. The book also highlights the fact that some kids do not have their own glove and the simple act of donating equipment can brings out the best in everyone. The book is filled with great baseball lingo that will bring back childhood memories for adults and entertain children. My young son loves the illustrations and is a big fan of the book.

Baseball coach Bob Salomon has joined with the authors of the book to create a “Play it Forward” movement where they get individuals and companies to dontate equipment to those that are in need. $3 of every book sale has been donated to non-profits (Good Sports, Pitch in for Baseball, Sports Gift) that provide sports equipment to the needy.

The movement has gained momentum and has the support of many professional athletes including former Red Sox players Luis Tiant and Sean Casey. Please take a moment to visit the book’s website to purchase a copy and learn more about how you can help get baseball equipment to those in need in your area.

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