Bases per Batter, The Spitball

I’d like to take the space here to day to give a shoutout to two sites.
The first site, is a Red Sox oriented site, but has a statistic that no one else seems to have out there. Formerly called the Pitching Efficiency Index, it was renamed to Bases Per Batter. The latter gives you exactly what it means. The bases per batter that a pitcher gives up to each batter. This is a nice way of figuring out who gives up dinky singles and who gives up loud doubles.

Cliff Lee’s average BpB is .455 vs. Wade Miller’s .513.

This means that Wade Miller gives up .513 bases per batter, while Lee does .455. I will admit that I’m not really sure what is league average, or really good or really worse. Perhaps Rebecca, the creator of this statistic, can inform us in the comments.
Anyways, Alan Embree’s BpB is a sexy .602, while Mike Timlin is a cool .386. This means Embree gives up twice as much bases per batter than Timlin does. Yikes!
Second site that I’m giving some link love is … mine. The Spitball is a PTI-style (but minus the interruption) general baseball talk of Joe Jackson and I. Check it out sometime, we talk about who could be traded or not. Bring me the head of Brian Fuentes!
Oh, and one transaction I missed yesterday was that with the promotion of Pedroia to AAA, Hanley Ramirez was taken off the DL and remains in Portland.

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