Forrest Griffin is an odd duck. But, then again, anyone who chooses to be punched in the head for a living has to be a little ‘different’. But once you read Griffin’s two books, you realize he’s on a different level of oddness. This isn’t meant to be an insult – originality is cool, and Griffin is a true original. Plus I don’t need an ‘odd’ professional fighter thinking I’m insulting him now, do I?!
While Forrest’s first book, Got Fight?: The 50 Zen Principles of Hand-to-Face Combat was basically a biography/MMA instructional manual, his second one, Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down: A Survival Guide to the Apocalypse
is exactly what it states to be – a survival guide to the Apocalypse. Because Griffin and co-author Erich Krauss are convinced that the end is near, and they even go into details as to the various ways the world will end. Might sound depressing but it actually is very entertaining, as is the whole book. The book then gives you very important survival advice for “when the sh*t goes down”, such as how to kill a supernatural wolf, how to spoon for warmth and how to become a God and start your own cult. All stuff you lie awake in bed worrying about, right?! Seriously, though, this book is very entertaining and funny, even if the humour is often of the ‘potty’ variety. And a lot of the advice in it probably would be real useful in the case of a disaster (but also very useful in getting yourself arrested). It’s also cool that you really can’t get a handle on whether the authors believe all that they write or if they are typing the words with tongues firmly planted in their cheeks (their own cheeks, not each others hopefully). While there might not be a lot of MMA in this book, fans of the sport – and especially fans of Forrest Griffin – will enjoy it nonetheless. But if none of this interests you yet, you at least have to buy the book based on its cover, right?!
Grab the book here:
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