Beckett Whines About Schedule

There were no complaints about the Red Sox schedule early last week when they were winning games but there is nothing like a 5 game losing streak to bring the issue back up. The ProJo has an article that quotes Josh Beckett complaining about the schedule so far. Here are some highlights:

“There’s nothing you can do, Tito’s hands are tied. It’s going to be nice to get Mike Lowell back pretty soon. (MLB) makes the schedule and it’s not just the 20 games in a row we play — 8 o’clock getaway games in Oakland. There’s not enough [complaining] and moaning that goes on to get it changed. I don’t know what we can do. That’s what strings guys out, It’s tough playing 20 in a row, anyway, but whenever you get Sunday night baseball here and Sunday night baseball there, it’s at 8 o’clock and you don’t get home until 5 in the morning. Then you’re right back out there the next day.”

Note to Josh: The Oakland games were almost a month ago and baseball has a 162 game season. Beckett Whines About ScheduleIf you want a day off every three days the season will go until Christmas. The schedule is not the reason the Sox have lost 5 in a row; the lack of clutch hitting and poor pitching late in the game is. Mike Lowell, Ortiz, Cora, and Casey did not get injured because of the schedule. The Sox have had some injury problems and the flu has run through the clubhouse, deal with it and move on, other teams have the same problems. (look at the Yankees with Posada) A day off may be what the Sox need to right the ship but don’t blame the schedule, blame some members of the bullpen.

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