Bellator 93 Staff Predictions

Bellator 93 Staff Predictions

Rosenthal League

Nolan Howell: 35-13, .729

Daniel Galvan: 19-8, .704

Benjamin Kohn: 23-10, .697

Josh Hall: 24-11, .686

Tim Bernier: 23-11, .676

Christian Diaz: 23-12, .657

Winslow League

Tim Hickey: 26-14, .650

Chris Groves: 30-19, .612

Lucas Bourdon: 7-5, .583

Connor Dillon: 23-18, .561

TC Engel: 20-20, .500

Luke Irwin: 33-35, .485

(Our very own Tim Hickey went 13-0 on UFC 158 Picks!  He gets the cookie with the extra frosting.  Unfortunately, due to previous flaccidity, that still isn’t enough to get him out of the Winslow [NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!] League.)

Bellator 93 Staff PredictionsBellator 93 Staff Predictions

Lightweight Tournament Final: Dave Jansen (19-2) vs. Marcin Held (15-2)

Nolan Howell: Marcin Held is an amazing grappler with an improving game all-around. Dave Jansen already has all of his tools developed, maintaining a strong top-game, solid striking, and power submissions. With Held, there is one path to victory. Albeit it is a huge path to victory on the mat, Jansen has never been submitted and will likely be able to control Held with ease. Dave Jansen by unanimous decision.

Luke Irwin: Talented as Held is, I think Jansen has the brute strength and power top game to neutralize Held and grind out a decision. Jansen via UD.

Bellator 93 Staff PredictionsBellator 93 Staff Predictions

Heavyweight Bout: Ryan Martinez (8-2) vs. Travis Wiuff (68-16)

Nolan Howell: Lordy, lordy, lordy. This is one ugly fight. Travis Wiuff has been everywhere and seen everything, while Ryan Martinez is a relatively young heavyweight, meaning he has likely fought a bunch of obese guys who are electricians or plumbers on the side. Travis Wiuff by first-round TKO.

Luke Irwin: ProElite STUD Ryan Martinez, may I add. Yeah, that doesn’t say anything. Wiuff isn’t going to see something he hasn’t seen fifty times. Wiuff R2 TKO.

Bellator 93 Staff PredictionsBellator 93 Staff Predictions

Welterweight Bout: Marcus Davis (21-9) vs. Waachiim Spiritwolf (9-11-1)

Nolan Howell: Marcus Davis is as shot as shot can be. However, Waachiim Spiritwolf is…uh…let’s say experienced at losing in mixed martial arts. He may be tougher than a two-dollar steak, but Davis should be good enough to beat him here. Marcus Davis by second-round TKO.

Luke Irwin: Well, this should be entertaining at least, I’m hoping. Davis doesn’t have much, if anything left, but he can still strike and box circles around Spiritwolf. Davis via UD.

Bellator 93 Staff PredictionsBellator 93 Staff Predictions

Welterweight Bout: Michael Page (3-0) vs. Ryan Sanders (4-3)

Nolan Howell: As of now, we have no clue if this will make the main card. However, because Michael Page is involved, expect some kung fu that would make Taimak proud. Michael Page by first-round having the glow.

Luke Irwin: Well, this will be a nice little showcase for Page. Page R1 KO.

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