The Best Steph Curry ‘Ankle Breakers’

bethpage 6th

Stephen Curry’s one overwhelming skill is his shooting ability. It has been become so well known, especially within the past NBA season, that he has received nicknames such as “The Human Torch” and “Babyface Killa”. Curry even has his own shirt on Nike’s website attesting to his best skill, but what can sometimes be overlooked is that he can handle the ball.

Curry may not be considered one of the best ball handlers in the league because many believe Kyrie Irving to hold that title, but Curry’s name certainly deserves to be mentioned with the best. Even though he may not have an amazingly quick handle like Derrick Rose, he is tricky and smooth which is what makes him stand out.

Here’s a list, in no particular order, of five reminders that attest to Stephen Curry’s mastery of dribbling and why one can only imagine how much better this budding superstar is going to be.

Good D, Better O

This was a perfectly guarded play by the Utah Jazz and Derrick Favors. The Warriors were going with a Pick-and-Roll at the top of the 3-point line and Curry was stopped dead in his tracks by Favors until Curry pulled a nifty behind-the-back move that freed him for the layup.

Where ya going Steve?

For some odd reason YouTube doesn’t have the clip of this amazing play (apologies for the quality). Curry and the Warriors are on the fast break. If you watch closely, Andrew Bogut and David Lee are ready to set a double screen for Curry to free him up for a shot at the top of the 3-point line (one of the Warriors set plays), but Curry senses that Steve Nash knows what’s going on and decides to pull a quick between-the-leg and behind-the-back move that makes Nash look lost.

The ‘Mistake’

Similar to the play above, Curry decides to crossover because Tony Parker bit on the previous behind-the-back move, but he fumbles the ball! How can this be part of a crossover list? Well for one, Curry recovered without turning over the ball/scoring and that’s scary. This play would have turned out negatively for most, but Curry shows that he can make something good happen out of something bad. Also, if Curry didn’t lose his dribble, where would Parker be? Think about that.

The ‘What Just Happened’ Cross

Tricky and smooth. This is move on Gary Neal embodies who Stephen Curry is as a dribbler and also shows why he has a case for ‘best handles in the NBA’. Writing what happened in this play does not do it justice whatsoever. Just watch and be amazed.

‘Oh My Goodness!’

Do you hear that? The excitement and awe is coming from Indiana’s announcer. Hearing the praise that he gave Curry almost never happens from any opposing team’s announcer. They would usually downplay whatever happened, but this guy can’t contain his amazement. This crossover was one that can be called a true ‘ankle breaker’.



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